Etruscan tarot: XXI The World


Description in the booklet: "I am at the beginning. In the center of everything, a woman is dancing among the creatures of the world. The round decoration represents a never empty plate."

The Etruscan Major Arcana began with a dancing Fool ... and now, we complete our world journey with a dancing woman ...

As in other decks, the World is depicted with a woman in the middle flowing as the world moves ... but this time with the completion of something. The World often signifies fulfillment, completion, satisfaction.

In the Etruscan World, the woman follows the pattern of the living things which surround her. Although the journey is over, it simply suggests that another possible journey may take place but this time, our character is richer in insight and experience. The body position of the woman is quite graceful, showing fluidity in flowing with the rest of nature in the world around her .. it appears as if she is swimming in the water and to others, she may appear as if she was flying.

The World may also be a sign of letting go because a phase in life is over ... just allow the next natural phenomenon of our life to take its course as we start all over again a new story ...

And yet, the background is a never- empty plate which therefore means the end may not really be the end of life ... it would just simply mark completion of one major aspect. A new one is bound to begin and we will have to start all over again. Our plate will always be filled with new experiences, new delights, new pains, new hurdles, new challenges, new opportunities which may overwhelm us if we try to control everything ... at this point, it is just best to relax and reap the rewards ... nature will take its turn in giving us our rewards and the best that we can do is enjoy them.


She is swimming! It's my first thought. She goes with the flow. It's one of those moment where everything goes at the right direction and we seem to have control over our surrounding. Everything seems easy.