Simply Tarot


I was just wondering what you guys thought about the book "Simply Tarot" by Leanna Greenaway. Have you read it? If you have what do you think about it? Is it a good book to learn by?


Which version? The one featuring RWS cards or the one featuring TdM cards? I have both (packaged with different decks), but haven't read either one.


ETA, Welcome to Aeclectic!


Which version? The one featuring RWS cards or the one featuring TdM cards? I have both (packaged with different decks), but haven't read either one.

I have the one featuring RWS cards


The book gives "Traditional Points" and a "Modern Meaning" for each card along with a reversed meaning and" "Key Points." It makes what I think is a mistake by numbering the cards from 1-78. There isn't complete agreement on the order of the 22 Majors, much less the order of the Minor suits or the cards within them.

I didn't bother to read the meanings, but if you get the book (any book for that matter), remember this - keep what resonates and discard what doesn't. And just because it's written in a book doesn't make it written in stone. If a particular meaning doesn't make sense to you, then you don't have to use it or try to use it.

There are 4 spreads in the book. It ends with some tips and tricks about reading for others.

And I was wrong about the other book being illustrated with a TdM. It's illustrated with the New Century Tarot.



Thank you for your help. This helped me out a lot :)