Templar Tarot Study Group: The Death Cards


Now, from the cards of Life, we move to the Death cards.

36: Avarice: use of determination and all of your skills to get what you want.

37: Polarity: mix of equal but opposite poles, and being pulled to one side- but which one? To remain in your comfort zone of established rules and religion? Or to take a chance, break free of your superiority and follow on faith alone?

38: Betrayal: The time where truth breaks in an crumbles all of the lies that have been build around you- either by yourself or by those that surround you.

39: Interrogation: a period of tribulation that seems endless, a time to re-evaluate one's path.

40: Dissolution: there are times when deceit wins, and all around turns to decomposition and rot, falling away and dissolving all that you have built. Do not seek revenge, or harbor resentment- for that is like drinking poison hoping the other person will die.

41: Caliginosity: a time of withdrawal to rest and take stock of life. A dark period of rest, with the hope of light coming in at the end.

42: Pilgrimage: the ending of a path, which becomes a new beginning and the cycle begins again- one of many within this sacred journey. And you return- to birth/re-birth and The Magic Flute.