Magus true meaning


ok ive been reading over the threads and i think i figured out what the three Magus cards could represent in regards to using them all in the deck , so bear with me and please please add to my little theory or make any alterations you think would fit better.

ok i belive that the three magus cards could be used together to describe three levels of thought, ok

for the original one not the greek one or the egyption one, it represents - Logic,
the scond magus the greek one represents
and the third one represents

so tell me what u think and please feel free to make any alterations,
oh also. in same order for each card, what about
Knowledge, material, Fertillity.


Also anyone ever thought about using the three to choose a significator?


According to the manufacturer, when the new edition of Thoth tarot cards was going to be published, a man by the name of “Werner Ganser” was assigned for the task. At the time the original drawings were at the Warburg Institute in London and when Werner went to the Institute to look at them, he discovered that there are eighty cards on display there. Werner Ganser suggested that they be added to the Tarot deck.

Some Tarot and kabala connoisseur as far back as Oswald Wirth cards version, concluded that two invisible Major Arcana tarot cards must exist.


I like that analysis of the 3 Magus cards. Very thoughtful indeed.

True some do say there were originally 2 other Tarot cards. I have actually read they were "Faith" and "Hope".



Originally? What does that mean? 'faith' and 'hope' seem like very abstract, a bit out of sinc with the other cards, which are people or places, or at least personifications. Well, except for strength and temperance, perhaps. Or am I saying something stupid here?


Interesting, I was just thinking about this the other day. Have you ever read Alan Moore's comic Promethea? In one of the issues he talked about the two missing cards. The Beggar and The Fountain. The reason they are invisible is that they connect to Daath, the hidden sphere. It's far to complicated for me to explain here. It needs its own thread. You should find the comic if you are interested in the subject.