Have I This Right?


If you were to use the Thoth and divided the 22 cards into 3+7+12- that is Mother letters/doubles/simples= 7 Planets, 12 Constellations and 3 elements like this table I have I got it right according to the Thoth deck?

He...Aries...Emperor 4
Vau..Taurus..Heirophant 5
Zain..Gemini..Lovers 6
Cheth...Cancer....Chariot 7
Teth..Leo...Strength/Lust 11
Yod....Virgo....Hermit 9
Lamed...Libra....Justice 8
Nun...Scorpio...Death 13
Samech...Sagittarius...Temperance/Art 14
Ayin......Capricorn..Devil 15
Tzaddi...Aquarius...Star 17
Qof...Pisces....Moon 18

Beth...Mercury....Magus/Magician 1
Gimel...Moon...High Priestess 2
Daleth..Venus....Empress 3
Kaph...Jupiter...W.O.F 10
Peh.....Mars.....Tower 16
Resh....Sun.....Sun 19
Tau....Saturn...World/Universe 21

Shin....Fire.....20 (Aeon)

Many thanks for checking it over for me.



Aren't Tzaddi and He swapped? - thus giving Tzaddi = IV = Emperor and He = XVII = The Star.

That puts the zodiacal associations out of order, is all.

\m/ Kat


You can also attribute Universe to earth element for some nice balance (After fudging ;) )


Hi Kat- don't know- that's why I asked.
Many thanks.


ravenest said:
You can also attribute Universe to earth element for some nice balance (After fudging ;) )

Fudging?? Moi? Never! Plain and simple, very elemental and no double dutch...that's me anyway. :D


...but you can't make it drink.

There are 4 flaws Crowley left in his Tarot and his Tree.
Lay out all the Constellations ( http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p=1682903&postcount=11 ) and correct these flaws.
This will help you deduce the sequence these Constellations fall into and allows one to read Tarot as a book.

Only then may you see what else is in need of rectification.


That looks correct to me Rosanne, except for the Tzaddi/Heh swap that Kat mentioned and the inclusion of alternate attributions of Aeon and Universe (Spirit and Earth respectively).

Rosanne said:
Tzaddi...Aries...Emperor 4
Heh...Aquarius...Star 17

Shin....Fire.....20 (Aeon) (also Spirit)
Tau.....Earth.... 22 (Universe)

The swap ties Aqaurius with Heh the primary female part of YHVH, which is appropriate for a depiction of the Goddess Nuit, who in the Aeon card is shown in pretty much the shape of the letter Heh (a window).

This leaves the Emperor Tzaddi the fishhook, which seems a suitable implement for the Martial Aries man also.


similia: that puts them in odd spots on the Tree of Life, too, I've noticed. Studying the Navigators, I see that Turk has replaced the Emperor to be next to the Empress again; but in the Thoth, by moving the two, the Emperor is down the bottom among the more celestial entities and the Star is up the top, near Binah (?).

I've always thought that this was strange. I see the logic in the Star being associated with Nuit as you said in your last post, it just seems to me that it creates more problems than it solves?

\m/ Kat



In one version of the tale, this transposing of Emperor & Star involves the myth of Dionysus' birth from Zeus' thigh.
Yet, in another telling, we learn why the guardian of the Grail is a Fisher King.

The mouth and yoni of Nuit lie elsewhere upon the Tree.


Thanks Similia, it will be another thread one day, but the reason I ask is this switch or rectification of the abjad/alphabet. Crowley moved the letters.
Moving the letters has changed the order of how language works. One of the surprising things (well really not surprising) is the order of the Phoenician/Hebrew adjad is the circuit of how the sounds are made or we articulate.
Aleph open mouth
Beit lips together + air
Gimel teeth + air
Daleth Tongue + soft palette etc etc
Then he goes and sticks in Tsaddi- different sequence. Stick your fingers in your ears and say Ts and you will hear vibration of larynx. It should be down the bottom with larynx + air rushing out like saying rrrrr.
Call me picky :D but dinna change the order of the letters. More acceptable to make the Emperor at the door and you raise your hand and say "hey good to see you Aries!" than "Tsaddi let's go fishing Captain Hook" You have to go the Moon to catch a lobster.
Thanks for checking the table though.