Greenwood ~ Ace of Stones

Bat Chicken

From Chesca's Greenwood Handbook:

This card shows an ancient mossy standing stone inscribed with a labyrinth and cup and ring marks. Mythically the foundation stone means the first dry land on which life could begin. Also the first created form, matter, the mother stone, the firm ground from which one can begin one’s journey and measure the eight directions, the birthing ground, the navel stone. The Labyrinth is the place where your journey begins; the first steps; the cup and ring marks represent the source, your emergence into this world. The mare’s hoof mark, considered vulvic in shape (see The Horse) means the source of life-the first steps on dry land; following the original horse herds led to your food source. A new stability enters your life.

Bat Chicken

This suit is all about the Earth, grounding, the spirit made manifest. All of the markings seem to indicate a journey - the labyrinth as Chesca suggests and repeating series of concentric circles that in themselves could represent a particular journey or literally a path.

The red and white dots of Fly Agaric are here as well as more unusual symbols that look like 'maps'. Aces are all about potential and if this is the beginning there are many path available.

I see echoes of the phallus of Osiris and the Symbols of the Heavens (Isis) in this card.