who`s reading is it?


If I am reading for someone who may have similar circonstances in there life as I may, or may have had. How do you know your not reading your own cards.

The reason I asked this is because I remember someone in the forum say when you ask about someone else, sometimes the cards will show not about the question involving the other person, but the reader instead.

I hope I`m making sense. If I don`t, I`ll try to make myself clearer. Just let me know.


Every reading we do for others is mirrored back to us in some way. It's almost like opening a door. ..discovering for others and for ourselves things we have not understood or strengths we have, but have not used.

tink :love:


I try to watch my own phrasing. If I'm saying "I think" or "I feel" I'm probably inserting myself into the cards. If I'm careful to say "The cards say" or "the cards suggest" it's more likely that the querent will get an honest reading rather than personal advice based on my own experiences. 2 cents for what it's worth.


Yes, casmoline, occasionally it happens that the Tarot does a reading for the reader instead of the querent! If there is something pressing and of more importance than the querent's question the Tarot will turn its attention on you. It is quite disconcerting - not to mention embarrassing - when it happens but happen it does.

But you ask about a reading for someone in similar circumstances. Under those conditions it can be hard to differentiate between yourself and the querent. Especially since experiences are often similar in similar situations. You and I have both suffered a broken heart. My experience of it will differ from yours in personnel, but not in the devastating emotional fallout we have endured! I've found the best thing to do, if the reading looks personal, is to give the querent a mixture of the reading and your own experience. It may well be that the Tarot is saying to you "well, you've gone through this, so give them the benefit of your experience."
Consider that there is a reason the cards have fallen that way and that Tarot does not turn its back on a seeker. :)


I don't personally think a reading is ever for anyone but the sitter, and it shouldn't be. I may have had similar circumstances and I may identify with what the cards are saying, but that doesn't mean the reading is "for" me. It's for the sitter. I keep that clear in my mind. :)

I also don't bring my own anecdotes and experiences into it, either, because again--the reading is for the sitter and it's not about me. If I start telling them about what happened to me in a similar situation, then I'm making it about me and not them. :)


Who said anything about anecdotes? I wasn't being clear enough. Apologies. I meant that by giving them the benefit of your experience you would use your experience to aid in the reading. I didn't mean you should sit and tell them what happened to you :).

On those occasions when the reading looks and feels like it is meant for you I believe the cards are linking the reader directly with the querent (assuming it isn't one of those occasions when the cards really are aimed at you - which you will know about because the querent will quickly tell you what you're telling them is wrong!). When that happens the 'coincidence' should be used for the benefit of the sitter. I believe the cards have appeared in just that way because the reader can empathise with the querent.


Dulcimer said:
Who said anything about anecdotes? I wasn't being clear enough. Apologies. I meant that by giving them the benefit of your experience you would use your experience to aid in the reading. I didn't mean you should sit and tell them what happened to you :).

On those occasions when the reading looks and feels like it is meant for you I believe the cards are linking the reader directly with the querent (assuming it isn't one of those occasions when the cards really are aimed at you - which you will know about because the querent will quickly tell you what you're telling them is wrong!). When that happens the 'coincidence' should be used for the benefit of the sitter. I believe the cards have appeared in just that way because the reader can empathise with the querent.

Ok, I get it. If the querent has similar circumstances to your own experience then you read the cards, then give the reading, saying some things and leaving others unsaid from your own experience. Therefore it is still the sitter who benifits.

Thank you everyone!


I'm slowly getting to where my reading style is heavily intuitive. With that, I'm usually able to tell at the first card, who the cards are talking about. My deck can easily be choosy about who it reads. Most of the time it will speak for the person I am reading. Every once in a while though, it will refuse to display cards relevant to anyone but myself.

My truly oddest reading though was the other night when the cards pulled a double play. They spoke correctly for the person I was reading. Then, when I was done, they were like.. 'Whoa wait a minute! We're not done! Read us again!' So I ran through reading each card over again and so my shock, they spoke in completely different messages directed at me. It was like a chorus singing in canon. Very strange incident.

zach bender

similar circumstances

it seems to me the circumstances do not need to be all that similar, except in the sense that they all participate in the human comedy. almost all of the reading I do, I do for myself, and I have come to recognize the voice that speaks through the cards. it does seem to be a version of myself, but it is a distinctive voice, and on the few occasions that I have read for someone else, some suggestion of that voice was always present. so while the cards that came up did seem very appropriate to the querent's situation, at the same time the way in which the ideas were presented were recognizeable as that voice. which, less fancifully, is a way of saying that the querent's story could be fit into my archetypes.



cosmoline said:
who`s reading is it?
Well now, whose reading do you want it to be?

No, I'm not being trite, or smug or sarcastic....

I heard James Wanless once suggest that drawing cards face up once in a while allowed the person to manifest...

On another thread recently someone was discussing using Tarot face up to Manifest...

So lets suppose a spread comes out for another that you want to manifest for yourself...

Like the Advertisement says..."Just do it."
