Journey into the hidden realm - Page of Pentacles.


Last night I received a call from my brother, and it stirred up old memories, awareness of being judged, condemned, feeling defective my whole life. I'm no longer willing to tolerate this way of being seen or seeing myself or anyone else this way any longer. My brother is entitled to his beliefs, but I do not have to tolerate being seen through those filters. My grandfather was so full of self hatred, self rejection. and he latched onto Christianity as his salvation. He felt it was his duty, his responsibility to enforce the values of his church onto us. And women's lot was to suffer continuously for her error of judgement in the garden of eden. condemned for eternity. blamed for eternity, despised for eternity. I loved and hated my grandpa, and he loved/hated me. His love came with huge cost. I would have to take on his church belief, and become a sinner, and as a woman, I had no chance of escaping my lot in life. men could escape, rectify themselves but women could not. they were forever placed in servitude, beneath, inferior. And this is the way my brother views me, has seen me most of our life together. He does not know what to do with me, because I am not a conventional woman, I never had children, and oh my gosh I have lived with men in sin. Anyway, this morning I woke up with this awareness, and suddenly, I felt the presence of the Page of Pentacles. She is crouched down close to the earth in an insect like posture. She invited me to come down close to the earth with her. And as I did, I began to separate from this old belief that I grew up with, mentioned above. I began to see it like a dry cracked insect skin, that I was shedding. Then I felt the presence of a huge female buffalo. She came right up to me, and told me to merge with her, enter her. Suddenly I felt her heart beating inside of me, her blood coursing through me, healing me, nourishing me, restoring me. her fur protecting me, keeping me warm, protecting me. This is continuing as I write. what a beautiful start to my journey into the hidden realm, with Page of Pentacles. I expressed my gratitude and ask them both what gift I could give them. Page of Pentacles replied, "befriend me, let me be a part of your life, your journey. "


I'm just writing to let you know that your post is very touching. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. You describe Hidden Realm's Page of Pentacles so well. I have never seen a Page quite like this before. She really is something, isn't she? "She invited me to come down close to the earth with her." That's really beautiful, closerwalking. Her message is a powerful one and I'm glad you're finding solace and a sense of peace through/with her. I absolutely love this deck - it speaks a language I can understand. All the best to you on your journey!

I was just looking at your other threads. I'm considering exploring this deck with you! I'll get back to you soon...want to be sure I have the time to participate and contribute.

Bye for now.



Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

First Impressions/Inuitive Insights:
Green/Brown coloring seems to fill the card, giving it a clear earth energy. The page is crouched low and seems to be merging with the earth beneath her. Her limbs are becoming contorted like tree branches, and her hair is becoming stiff (like dread locks) also mirroring tree branches. Her hands look a bit like roots, she is rooting herself within the Earth. Her face gives the impression that this was a concious, and and determined decision on her part. She wants this. She doesnt just want to feel the heartbeat of the earth, or to be in sync with the Earth. She has recognized she is a part of Earth, of nature. They exist as one.

Favorite quote from the Guidebook:
"She is memorizing the vital signs of the earth, learning how to communicate with it, the soil, the bedrock, and eventually the molten core. A human would never live long enough to learn the deep slow voice of the Earth"

Key Divinatory Meanings from the Guidebook:
A person committed to learning/connecting with something larger
Seeing the big picture, making time and sacrifices, patience
Achievements from the process, as well as the goal, are worth the time and effort

Key Associations and Meanings from "Tarot 101", K. Huggens:
Pages (Earth/Feminine), Pentacles (Earth): Earth of Earth, Earth mixing with Earth
Book of Thoth: Page of Coins, The kingdom, Foundation
MBTI: ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Percieving)

Beginnings of business plans, a new job, growing finances, fertility, or the need for a stable foundation before moving forward. Foundation or beginning for whatever the coins suit signifies (mundane, physical world, money, business) Awakenings of first stirrings of the Coins suit: Learning to cook, budget, maintain a household.

As a person the Page of Coins is practical, quiet, and reflective, with immense potential, but they often dont take action with their talents and resources.


this is my first person in the hidden realm that I am working with. I am following the suggestion from Barbara Moore's book. Her last chapter in the book has suggestions for working deeper with them. I'm following the section on partnering.

Page of Pentacles is my primary card and I will pick a different card every so often to pair her with, to learn how the two cards interact, until I work through the whole deck.
My posting here is in relationship to starting that journey. I do not want other book interpretations right now. This is how I am working with the deck to learn it. Please keep postings related to this deck? and more on focusing on own work/experience with it? rather than interpreting? This is experiential thread.


As this day comes to an end, I have felt the presence of hidden realm very close to me. We are kindred souls. I am gradually getting to know the community there, as I do readings with deck. We are learning how to communicate with each other. The chapter in the book I am referring to for this thread is titled fairy guides. So this is how I am referring to the cards here. So today, while I am becoming aware and intrigued by all the other fey folks living here, my primary guides today have been page of pentacle so and buffalo woman. Buffalo woman asked me what has been driving me? I realize that I have been driven to prove my worthiness and equality. And I have done this largely by focusing on others needs, being caregiver and defending my right to believe what is important to me. As I had these rights taken away from me as a child. I know now, I can let go of all of that, here in the hidden realm, because all are equal here, no hierarchy, men and women equal young, old equal. Now understanding more the gifts of journeying here. Buffalo woman told me she has shown up to show me that all my needs can be met in more natural ways. I do not have to struggle, life is not meant to be a struggle. She is bringing new peace and prosperity to me. Page of Pentacle, she reminds me that being has value, life is not all about doing. She and I both love to explore, learn from nature, from Mother Earth. Something that isn't valued by western culture. I will share more tomorrow as its getting late.


Hi closer,

I thought there was a study group for this deck, and I was posting my own reflections on the card. This was based on my experience with the Hidden Realm card that you had posted about. I related the card to previous definitions as only a guide. I was not aware this was a private thread for you. I thought i was free to post my own study experiences. I will not do that in the future. Good Luck!


this is not private thread, sorry for the misunderstanding, I am new to this site and figuring out how to do this, it was my fault for not explaining what this thread is for, I am going to change the title? as it is for people who want to work with fairy guides, as Babara Moore suggests in her book? so pick a card or let a card pick you and then post about your current experience with this card? as in taking a journey with it? .


this is not private thread, sorry for the misunderstanding, I am new to this site and figuring out how to do this, it was my fault for not explaining what this thread is for, I am going to start a different thread? as it is for people who want to work with fairy guides, as Babara Moore suggests in her book? so pick a card or let a card pick you and then post about your current experience with this card? as in taking a journey with it? Please you are more than welcome to participate.