What do Temperance and the Moon mean to you?


what does temperance n moon mean to u !
i can never get them clear although i know their meaning


Temperance and The Moon

beginner said:
what does temperance n moon mean to u !
i can never get them clear although i know their meaning

-Temperance and The Moon =SQ
When we combine Temperance and the Moon, we also combine Samekh and Qoph and Sagittarius and Pisces.
SQ, gate 207 of the 231 gates of the Sefer Yetzirah.
Samekh=Prop Qoph=Back of the Head
A prop is consciously employed with a simple task in mind, whilst ‘the back of the head’, or the cerebellum, is the seat of subconscious forces and frequently has no clearly defined goal at heart. (Glossery of thelema
SQ It has the meanings of ‘sack’, ‘sack cloth’ and ‘sack-carrier’ (Glossery of Thelema)
Samekh: Sagittarius Qoph: Pisces
Although the former is Fire, and the latter Water, both are harmonious in being Mutable signs.(Glossery of Thelema)

-The numbers on the Tarot Cards Temperance XIV and The Moon XVIII
Temperance = XIV
The Moon = XVIII
(14+18= 32) The 32 Paths of wisdom of the Sefer Yetzirah and the 32 Rays of the Moon.
32= 5 Connection to the Hierophant
14 is also 5 :Connection Temperance-Hierophant
Both Temperance and the Moon are connected with the Hierophant.
The lessons of the Hierophant, learned before, we need, to find our balance in Temperance.
To find our balance in our Female and Male Archetypes and effects in Life.
To find the balance between Feelings and Thoughts.
The perfect mixture of Gold and Silver (on other XIV cards one chalice is silver (Moon-Female) and the other Gold (Sun-Male)
The lessons through the lilies and the Roses of the Hierophant, taught us How to mix the uppermost holy water on XIV.
The Mixture of the female and the Male, as Waite states: the angel is both Male and Female.
Maybe the Moon, we can connect in this insight, with the 15 Yods, The Heavenly sperm, needed for the Union of the Male and the Female.
The 15 Yods are connected with Temperance, as this is the card of the 25 th Path on the tree of life. The Path between Tipharet (6) and Yesod (9) which are added also 15.

-Walk on Water
In/On Death (XIII) we first have to cross barren country then we have to cross the water with the Ferryman. Then we have to find the Cave.The Cave of Dantes La Divina Commedia (Follow the Arrow).
In Ourselves we enter and experience the “underworld” and the unconscious heavens and hells in Our Being.

On XIV, the right Foot of the Angel of Temperance is in the water similar with the place where the Crab is coming out of the pool on the Moon Card. The Crab is a symbol of resurrection.
One foot on Earth One foot on Water: Walk on Water and the crawling Crab struggling his way out of the pool experiencing the laws of Nature To Fall Back into the Abyss.
When we feel as the Crab on the Moon, maybe we have to listen to our inner-sacred voice of Temperance.
The left foot of the angel is on Earth and Rocks. On the moon Card we find Rocks on the same place.

-Temperance and The Tree of Life.
The Feet of the Angel on Temperance are connected with the two female elements:
Water and Earth.
The left Leg is connected with Earth/ Rock and the right leg is on Water.
We need two legs to walk. Material and physical Life has to be in balance with the our Emotions and Feelings in order to walk Straight.
On the Tree of Life, The Left leg is connected with Netzach (7) and the right leg is connected with Hod (8) .
´Those two sefirot are “two halves of a single body”. One can consider them as One sefirah. Only Both legs van perform their function to walk. In the Zohar Netzach and Hod are “the scales of justice”. (Source http://www.inner.org/sefirot/sefhod.htm)

-Temperance and the Moon and the Paths on the Tree of Life
Samekh is the 25th path between Tipharet(6) and Yesod(9). A path on the Middle Pillar.
The Path from the Sun to the Moon.
The Path from The Fire of The Sun to The Water of the Moon(Albano XIV , Temperance is depicted with a Rainbow).
The Path from Male to Female and from Female to Male. (The Union of the Male-Female)
The path of Beauty of foundation and the Path of Foundation of Beauty.

Qoph is the 29th path between Netzach(7) and Malkuth(10). A path from and off the pillar of mercy to the Middle Pillar.
The Path from Venus to Earth. The path of the Morning and Evening star to the Elements.
The path of Victory of Kingdom and Kingdom of Victory.
The Moon rules our earthly waters, in the oceans, in our bodiess, in our cells.
It rules the Sperm of Man and the fluids of the females which are needed to create New Life so the Union of Female an Male in the new-born life will be possible.

-Temperance Male and Moon Female
On XIV The Sun Symbol on the head of the angel, the Moon is located on the same place on XVIII.
The Sun, Symbol of our Father ( the Angel of Temperance is Both female as male, but the Sun is the symbol of our Father) and the Moon, Symbol for the Womb, The Waters of The Mother. Our Heavenly and Earthly Creators.
Also XIV is Sagittarius, a Male mutable Fire Sign and XVIII is connected to Pisces a Female mutable Earth Sign.

-Temperance and The Moon; Tempering and Calming and Be Still
Waite PKT: XIV: “It is called Temperance fantastically, because, when the rule of it obtains in our consciousness, it tempers, combines and harmonises the psychic and material natures”
Waite PKT: XVIII: “the message is: Peace, be still; and it may be that there shall come a calm upon the animal nature, while the abyss beneath shall cease from giving up a form”
Tempering and Calming as the Angel of the Chalices is balancing the forces. When we experience the Moon we might “fall back” on Temperance in order the feel the message of the Moon.

-Temperance and the Moon and the Abyss
The abyss is mentioned in PKT in the text of XVIII. This connects the Moon to Our beloved Treasure-holder of the Pargod, The Fool, as Waite states in PKT: “ at the brink of a precipice among the great heights of the world” and “The edge which opens on the depth has no terror; it is as if angels were waiting to uphold him”
The angels waiting to uphold him: The Angel of Temperance is one of them in my opinion.The clean white Vestment of XIV and the Innocence of our Fool 0.
For this I will open another tread to clarify this.
(The Fool and Temperance and The High Priestess and The Pargod)