Mental instability/drinking 3 cups hangman lovers


I did a larger spread, just laying cards out. no positional places. i really got stuck on the lovers at the end of the read; or maybe i am not reading the hangman and lovers together correctly. really need some help. used legacy of the divine deck...last three cards in the reading.

how mentally stable is X?

3 of cups hangman lovers

i get a feelng that X is a drinker, a hard partier and this effects X's mental stability. i have a feeling hard drinking brings on a state of catatonia, (stupor) perhaps some form of schizophrenia the drinking triggers it , and X has two sides to X's personality. not sure on the lovers. i know its about choice, but i am stuck on this one. i just looked at the image on the lovers and two different faces were present. help please...cant figure how lovers fits in.


These three cards to me indicate a very creative person (the hanged man, he sees a different prospective than others.) The Lovers is a willingness to share his passion and the 3 of cups is someone who, yes loves to party and have fun.

I don't see mental instability but I DO see immaturity and very much a lot of artist and creative energy which will not be tamed and work "by the rules". As I am writing this I get Billy Joel "Don't try to save me." the line is from the song You May be Right. Since I am clairaudient, that was a "psychic" message.

I would be wary about this person, they will NOT take well to correction of any kind. But not crazy, just wild.

Lovers IMHO is not about love, it is about passion. I don't know what deck you used but in RWS, the woman sees the divine and love must see what she sees. In my deck of choice, the WorldTree Tarot, the Lovers is two people building something bigger than they are--together.



ace: wow, that's an interesting take on this! and, yes I am very familiar with billy joel's song. so not mental instability, but more wild/crazy. well, with the 3 of cups I have gotten for this person before I can see she is a partier. and, drinking comes into this. the hangman does see things differently. I did get a sense of warniness about X When I got the overall spread besides the 3 cards pulled. interesting take on the lovers. I used the legacy of the divine. thank you so much with help on this! ( perhaps the drink alters her behavior in some intense ways)


ace: just a thought...lovers and seeing the divine in rws...could there be delusional things going on here? kind hard to understand....


How mentally stable is someone; 3 of Cups, Hangman, Lovers
3 of Cups, I see an extrovert, someone who draws engergy from being with other
Hangman: someone who waits to see anothers hand before making a move
Lovers: someone who has choices.

Combined, can be around others and have a great time, has problems being emotionally intimate, worried about making mistakes, or making the right decisions. In a transitional part of life.


pamuya: that is such an interesting view of these middle cards in the spread it did. so, from what you get with these three, is that nothing saying any mentally instability, but more along the lines of has problems with emotional intimacy. maybe a bit shy in that area. I like that reference to in a transisitonal part of life; the choices of the lovers . thank you so much!


ace: just a thought...lovers and seeing the divine in rws...could there be delusional things going on here? kind hard to understand....

I--MYSELF--Am not seeing delusional things going on, but you have to see how you interpret that card. you asked and that is what "I" see. I would say if you got the Moon Rx, THEN maybe delusions but not the Lovers.


Thanks for clarifying that for me!


I don't see mental instability in these cards either.

I see someone who loves being in love because they can. They are waiting (hanged man) for the right person. The 3 of Cups indicates that they love (lovers) parties (3 of cups). If alcohol comes from those parties, then she'll want a few sips with her girls. I am not familiar with your deck, but in rws there are 3 women.

The mental instability that you suspect comes from the hanged man. He sees this differently than you do (or other people). HM is insightful.


Another sentence, "she is insightful (lovers/hm) when she's around the group (3 of cups).