Saturn transiting your 12th?


Saturn in the 12th house is wonderful

I have my natal saturn at 8Leo37 in the 12th house and my son was conceived and born during my first saturn return. Yipee!! So we have conjunct saturns. We have an excellent relationship and he has grown into a responsible and successful individual. He's a great gift.

I'm eagerly awaiting my next saturn return. Can't wait to see what goodies saturn brings around this time. Saturn DOES tend to materialize wherever he goes.


Well...its good to hear at least someone has a positive about Saturn..much less in the 12th. Yours is natal..and if son has also natal Saturn same sign as yours?. Perhaps natal placement might be less of a shocker than transit where some may not be used to its presense in that house. Alas in a few days Sat will be in your Saturn natal sign and to touch off a natally hard aspects for me..not to mention this is what I call the THE YEAR OF THE FIXED SIGNS! battling it out. I think if someone has relatively easy or uneventful aspects or happenings then a transit or a natal placement might just be that and not so earth shattering necessarily. Nonetheless, I had to experience Saturn tranist...its not over yet!..theres that trustly old rx to get its last say.
Thanks for posting!



I have two squares to my natal Saturn. So while the good part of the transit was my son, the bad part was that he was a forceps delivery that broke my tailbone. Mega ouch. Not to mention the usual stitches.

Thank heaven Saturn gets better as we age.

autumn star

wizzle said:
I have my natal saturn at 8Leo37 in the 12th house and my son was conceived and born during my first saturn return. Yipee!! So we have conjunct saturns. We have an excellent relationship and he has grown into a responsible and successful individual. He's a great gift.

I'm eagerly awaiting my next saturn return. Can't wait to see what goodies saturn brings around this time. Saturn DOES tend to materialize wherever he goes.

This is the same as me my mother. I was born during her saturn return .... and I am the oldest in my family. And my dad was having his saturn return too - we all have saturn in scorpio!


Saturn is usually scary enough- transiting the 12th? sheesh. Good luck! I've been pretty well fed up with it transiting Cancer in my natal 9th (moon placed here too). Can't wait to see what it does to Leo...where my moon isn't. Yay!

Speaking of moons, the moon is in my 12th house (natal) as of wonder so many emotional endings (beginnings?) for me.

Deszroo sorry to hear about the tailbone all is better now...back troubles are no joke..and childbirth is serious business. Saturn is the taskmaster planet and associated with back, spine, bones....I have two squares to Saturn as well...and almost a third...but two is I can vouch for the bone thing among other things Saturn. least your natal moon is at home at 12th...both being water associated...theres a plus in there somewhere :). I can certainly attest to the less than fantastic side of Saturn transiting moon (went through that one a few years ago)..

As for Saturn in Leo...we've got like what....five days from now I believe for it to test the waters. While Saturn in 12th has the markers of having sapped the health out of me for two years and also effected my paternal parent as well. I am thanking the little favors and small blessings during this repose. I am in nooooo rush...for Saturn in Leo...given the setup of my will all get soon enough ;)



so, my natal moon, at 16 degress Leo, having no difficult aspects that I can see, should not be too baldy affected by this transit?

the only negative looking aspect that I can see, is how it is opposite (sorry, not sure what this is called) my mercury at 8 degrees Aqu.

isthmus nekoi

The best thing to do w/predicting forcasts for yourself is to see what happened the last time. So look up when Saturn was making aspects to your Leo moon (try thinking about what happened when Saturn was in the middle of Taurus squaring your moon - probably somewhere in 1999).


A journey with Saturn

I too am turning down the strait for my second Saturn return.

The first in 1977 was critically important, and I made some life changing decisions a year or so after it. The run up to my second has also been critically important and I've just made some hopefully life changing decisions a year BEFORE not after.

Natal Saturn is in the 8th House at 22 degrees Leo and the exact date of the return is in August 2006. The influences are felt long before that however, and I can feel them now. Saturn enters Leo on the 16th July which, as I edit this post, is today.

There is something remarkable in the contemplation of Saturn. He is the greatest of teachers and if we believe we chose the lessons we needed and the experiences we wanted just prior to entering this life, then comlaints are superfluous :laugh:.

At the last Saturn Return I was not aware. Now I am. :)



I´m a little worried now because I just checked:
Saturn in Leo means Saturn in my Ascendant, squaring my natal Saturn, Pluto, Mars and Moon.
Am I paranoid or does this really promise "challenges" to say the least?