Bound in Shallows - VIII (8) of Swords


The Pamela Colman Smith Eight of Swords:
©1909 Pamela Colman Smith


There is a tide in the affairs of men,
which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune,
omitted, all the voyage of their life
is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat,
and we must take the current when it serves,
or lose our ventures.

Julius Caesar IV iii
©1599 William Shakespeare


Fulgour ~

The poetic references you've chosen to illustrate VIII Swords are beautiful and appropriate. It's a wonderful exercise to match poetry to the Tarot. I imagine that the essence of poetry often comes from the same source as Tarot.

Thanks also for the web page reference.



Thanks Fulgour,

Very moving, especially the Marge Tindal poem. I could not resist looking for her on the internet and have found she makes native american indian poems, as her website says.
Many many wonderful poems, thanks again Fulgour, this is a treasure.


Summary of Masonic Initiation as to VIII Swords

.... And the candidate shall be hoodwinked, bound with a tie wrapped three and a half times 'round the body. Therein the seven Officers of the Lodge shall surround the bound one to represent the darkness that does confound, confuse, and constrict the candidate. The Initiator shall stand in front of the candidate in order to beckon forth the blind one towards the Light in which the candidate has been re-born to.


RChMI said:
.... And the candidate shall be hoodwinked, bound with a tie wrapped three and a half times 'round the body. Therein the seven Officers of the Lodge shall surround the bound one to represent the darkness that does confound, confuse, and constrict the candidate. The Initiator shall stand in front of the candidate in order to beckon forth the blind one towards the Light in which the candidate has been re-born to.


Your post has brought home to me how little I know about the origins of the RWS and the connections of Waite with Freemasonry.

But for now, was the Masonic ritual written AFTER the VIII Swords card was drawn, or is it a consequence of the card itself?

Thank you for any information ~



Moongold said:
But for now, was the Masonic ritual written AFTER the VIII Swords card was drawn, or is it a consequence of the card itself?
Before the card was drawn.... long before.

In the Swords suit, see also II Swords, IV Swords, X Swords for Masonic connections.


She seems pretty sure about her next step...

RChMI said:
And the candidate shall be hoodwinked...
Being right about one thing can cause one to miss another,
namely that Tarot is older than Freemasonry, which is just
a secret society cut off from its imagined roots and cloaked
in mystery, with scanty connections to its supposed origins.

The intention of this thread was to express my feeling that
there is a clear connection between Pamela Colman Smith's
artistic imagery and the familiar quote from Julius Caesar...

I don't see why poetry cannot be considered the inspiration
for this card ~ especially when considering the tidal aspect.


So glad to see you back, (((((Fulgoar))))). :bugeyed: This lifts a persistent sadness from me.


Hello Dwaas

Dwaas said:
Very moving, especially the Marge Tindal poem.
Like The Waves From The Shore
by Marge Tindal
(to view poem click on link...)

Note: Text of poem removed from view at request of author.
Marge Tindal feels that Aeclectic Tarot "doesn't represent the
atmosphere where I'd care to have my poetry showcased."

She did however send me two additional links to her work:
"My Native American Indian Heritage Poetry"

My apologies,
Fulgour ~ and let the festivities continue!


magpie9 said:
So glad to see you back, :bugeyed: This lifts a persistent sadness from me.
Me too! ~Rosanne