The Happy Squirrel card


Ok posted that spread/reading on my blog. I really like where the Happy Squirrel showed up! You can access it by clicking on my website below. :)


I admit I have not had the time to read through these posts but The Happy Squirrel card was intended as ironic humor. The idea is that the scary-at-first-sight Death card was nothing then when the apparent lightweight Happy Squirrel card appears it is too serious to go into. This is the typical commentary found throughout The Simpsons.

All this means is that none of the cards are what is made of them in film. There is no melodrama. There is a practical application behind every card.


Chronata said:
and man, that little bugger comes up a LOT!

It's still...oddly enough...a card connected to Real Estate in readings that I do...or for planning for a financial future.(which I am not so good at doing!)

blackstormhawk's interpretation explains both the real estate issue (destruction of property) and the financial devastation (the high-end fruit 'n seed mix at $30 a pound).....

blackstormhawk said:
The Happy Squirrel is happy because he has done happy and squirrelly things. He chewed a hole through your $50 squirrel proof bird feeder, and then gorged himself on $15 worth of high-end fruit and seed songbird mix. Then he went to your attic, and for dessert, chewed threw your cable line and impregnated three female squirrels who are busy working on chewing through your cable and electric lines as they await their litters.

That is why the happy squirrel (any squirrel) is happy and it is a card of ill omen.


I hope it's okay for me to bring this topic back up again haha :)

I don't think 'the happy squirrel' card is 'wrong'

The simpsons is a BIG part of pop culture and had affected many lives...therefore I believe that Matt Groening's creativity has some magic in it

I believe that great forms of modern art is filled with a spirituality that cannot be explained...making them magical and attracts everyone by their charm...for example: toons by walt disney, music of The Beatles (which can lead you to the other side if ur on acid I heard hahaha), etc

Even stuff today or recently have visionary powers...take a look at the harry potter books and the TV show HEROES...they tell us stories of special people among us, an evolution...2012 anyone? :) I can list dozens of video games and mangas that also 'felt' this turning of the world

So I do believe when the card was shown in that simpsons episode....'the happy squirrel' card had truly SPRUNG out from the void and into the world and came into being :D

and when I tried to make the card using my 'mandala semesta' method all came out too naturally....but I haven't coloured it haha...just wait til it's uploaded here: card:
and here's what I learned from the card:

-Freedom of expression
-random events coming your way
-why so serious? :p

-confusion of a larger scale
-randomness of a larger scale
-No idea whatsoever

so everyone, I suggest you put in the happy squirrel in your decks and turn on the beatles as we watch the world turn...:)

well it's my opinion haha


Love it Zach! Hopefully all decks will come with a Happy Squirrel in future :p


retrokat said:
Love it Zach! Hopefully all decks will come with a Happy Squirrel in future :p

Viva la revolution!


I'm curious whether anyone knows which decks come with the Happy Squirrel card... I know of two, International Icon and All Hallows.

I'm talking here about decks that come with this card out of the box, printed just like the other cards rather than a home pasteup version.

BTW I have been really digging my II - the Squirrel has come up a few times, always in a fitting way!