I need a tarot of Marseilles free of copyright


Why ? I actually don't get this...

Because the restorers with whom I spoke wanted to charge me a lot, second, the book would write it from the chosen mallet, because the focus is to discover the behavior of the mallet on the fly, so I must have the mallet before. And because the restorers do not conformed to the publicity they would do to their mallet. And last, because it would not sell enough to justify putting me in expenses. I didn't think I was going to find so many problems, but already Yoad Ben-Dov met them and had to create their own cover to write their book. And I can take as a signal his death because he thought to use his mallet, as he was a very good person and would have allowed. Besides, he was a good friend.

(Porque los restauradores con los que hablé me quisieron cobrar mucho, segundo, el libro lo escribiría a partir del mazo elegido, porque el enfoque consiste en descubrir el comportamiento del mazo sobre la marcha, por lo que debo tener el mazo antes. Y porque los restauradores no se conforman con la publicidad que le haría a su mazo. Y último, porque no se vendería lo suficiente como para justificar meterme en gastos. No pensé que fuera a encontrarme con tantos problemas, pero ya Yoad ben-dov se encontró con los mismos y debió crearse su propia cubierta para escribir su libro. Y puedo tomar como señal su fallecimiento debido a que pensaba emplear su mazo, ya que era una muy buena persona y lo hubiera permitido. Además, era un buen amigo.)


I don't know what you mean by the mallet, though google translate suggests that the word you need there is deck :D (which makes a lot more sense of several posts here !!) but to be honest, I think restorers need their income as much as you do.

There are expenses in a project like yours. There always will be. But one needs to remember that there were also expenses in restoring the decks, in storing and preserving them (museums), in creation (Flornoy, Ben-Doav.) Sending a deck to an artist would probably cost a lot more.

Lo Scarabeo might allow you to use one of theirs...