Why You're Here (4 Cards)


Hey, Sobeknefrot, since you inadvertantly began your own thread, how about sharing your reading with us, and the insights that came out of it. (This would get the post moved to readings, but hey, you'd get feedback, and it would be fun!)


I have moved Sobeknofret's reading to the Your Readings forum.

Co-moderator Tarot Spreads


Love this spread! :)


This spread is amazing. I tried it out for myself and the results were.. wow.


I thought "Why are you here" was a general question to myself of why I am on this planet, and I thought it was really good - and will keep the interpretations like that :)

Great spread! Thank you!



This is an amazing spread! I have never seen a spread like this and am excited to use it!


"Why asking", as to make clear where this spread is about..
feels better as the appropriate purpose of this spread, for me..

I love the look of the spread and will try this out.

Good job!

Glass Owl

Thanks, Amanda, for resurrecting this thread. Another gem unearthed! I really need to give this spread a try. I like how the spread positions could be looked at in several different ways so it could be modified for many different purposes. I keep thinking that it is called the Icebreaker spread though.


As a newbie I'm trawling through posts looking for advice, this IMHO seems a very good spread and I look forward to trying it. Thanks