Do Your Decks "Play Nice"?


Thoth with any other deck? *shivers* I've tried pairing my Thoth with other decks... it's a cantankerous old coot who just "wants to get the durned reading done and over with, none of that fancy-shmancy foolin' around" and other decks tend to take their time getting around to things...

You want an interesting combo? Try the Thoth with the Whimsical Tarot. *whoo-hoo* do the sparks fly!!! LOL


lunar_rabbit said:
How can I be the first to say: You're just weird. :D But since we're all weird here on AT it's kind of a moot point.

Seriously, though. I am always very curious to hear about people giving personalities to their decks (I have the Froud Faeries Oracle, so I do it too!). But to me it begs the question, what are you hearing inside your own head that you need to resolve? Is there a playful side of you that doesn't get along with your boastful, proud side? Sounds very much like a 4 year old vs a 19 year old to me. LOL! If they were people, what could they teach each other?

Since you are somewhat intrigued by it, and would like to still use them together, perhaps you could deliberately put them side to side, card by card finding the similarities and differences in them. Maybe create a "get along" spread, where each deck has it's own purpose in the spread. I'd venture to guess it would be very enlightening!

It never occurred to me to try a "get along" spread with the decks. Very interesting idea: I'll try it sometime!

- V.


vernissage said:
It never occurred to me to try a "get along" spread with the decks. Very interesting idea: I'll try it sometime!

- V.

When you do let us know! I'd love to see how you could get the two working together. My thoth I read and look at alone because its a big enough handfull by itself, but if could get it to enjoy (with a few grumbles obviously) my Faeries oracle then all the better :D



I guess I've never thought about my decks as having personalities :). But I'd say that by and large they "get along" quite well whenever I've used multiple decks for a reading. For example, last week I was working on a reading using the Egorov, but the images were so stark that I felt I needed a different perspective and some more information in order to complete the reading. So I pulled a second set of cards from the Inner Child deck (which is very different from the Egorov) and laid them alongside the first set of cards. And at that point, everything fell into place quite beautifully.

Now, I've never tried the Thoth with the Fairy Ring (as someone else was talking about in a previous post), which is an even bigger stretch than the Egorov/Inner Child combination. But then, I just haven't had reason to try a tarot deck alongside an oracle deck (yet). For me, the Thoth doesn't have any negative or aggressive overtones, so I don't see why I couldn't pair it with another deck. Doubt I will try, though, as the Thoth is so complex and rich in symbolism that it stands quite nicely by itself.


Hmmm...I have never used them together, but this does leave me wondering how my Vampires tarot and Brian Froud Oracle would get along. o_O


I only have a few decks, and generally they all complement each other. Each brings something that another does not, and I choose which to mix accordingly. Only the Rhorig seems to "prefer" a solo act!


I read with a combination of either the Book of Thoth or the Rider Waite and the Froud Faerie oracle all the time. Seem to work wonderfully to me. The playful freeform feeling of the faerie deck works to balance the much more serious and weighty feeling of the two rather traditional tarot decks. Thoth seems to me to have more of a sense of humor that Waite, but it is rather cruel and biting. The faeries on the other hand is more teasing and gentle.


Such interesitng replies: I didn't think I was the only one who noticed these things, really.

Babylon_Jasmine, I wonder why your Thoth deck seems to be friendlier than mine?


Just posted the results:

I used the spread I created for this problem, and you can find the results of that here...

This is a great spread to let the decks communicate with each other and the querent -- it was like I had drawn a telephone and was listening in. I'm very pleased with its results and highly recommend it.
- V.