Name That Angel!


And only the combined and divregent visions of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell us who the Son of Man is and who we are. Here is the difference between Tarot and orthodoxy --- Tarot looks to the All-encompasssing Truth, orthodoxy focuses upon one fixed angle on the Truth. Tarot says," Find your own footsteps on your Journey to enlightenment and love." Orthodoxy says, "Look and seek no more, only believe This Truth we bring to you." Journeying from self to Self is not holding to the formula of a fixed and final angle on the Truth.


Oh, Frank! what a Truth! And it's shown in all the Tarot System if we note, that's why i think another systems (astrological, numerologycal, etc) can't fit exactly to him, is all about the Sacred Art, no one thing is exactly symmetrical because is opossed to change posibilities, and then we are in front of the "Dark Angel", who's opossite to changes as is shown in The Devil card. Everything that was totally perfect belongs to profane art, therefore Tarot is opposed. That affirm us that the Tarot is really sacred. If we reduce its number 78 (cards) give us The Devil (15) card where there is not options, but if we reduce again gives us The Lovers, the symbol of the different options! Wonderfull!!! I really agree with you!


Can you believe 3 years later I finally found the answer to the evangelists question? I got a book simply entitled "Angels," by Marco Bussagli. It's a small silver-covered book that has angel art arranged by biblical quotes, Genesis to Revelations.

There are two paintings that have the names of the evangelists right on the pictures with the animals, so there is no mistake. One of them even has the name of the animal WITH the name of the evangelist, so there is REALLY no mistake!

Without further ado:

Matteus omo (Mathew man)
Lucas vitulo (Luke calf)
Marcus leo (Mark lion)
Ioannis aquila (John eagle)

For enquiring minds, this is on a fresco of Christ in Majesty in the Collegiate Church of Leon, painted in 1164.

The other picture in the book that has the names with the animals is is an illumination of Gundoin's Gospel from 754.

Whew, I'm glad THAT's finally cleared up!