Trimming Tips for the Druid Animal/Plant Oracles


Hello all!
I wanted to share my experiences trimming these 2 oracles so they work together.

I chose to keep the borders because I like them, and I'm also not familiar enough with the plants to lose the titles. Here's the rub - the borders are not the same length on all the cards! The 'usual' border, which is on all the main cards, is the same, but the lower 'title' part of it on the DPO is a wee bit longer. I solved that problem by cutting off more of the bottom border.

In the DAO there are 4 elemental dragon cards which have a different border - and it's *narrower* than the usual border on the top and bottom. Unfortunately for me, I didn't notice that until I'd trimmed 2 of the cards flush with the upper and lower border. (I suffer so you don't have to!) Now I have 2 dragon cards that are too short. Darn it! :p That being said, I don't particularly *like* the dragon cards, so maybe I won't use them. :)

In addition, there are 3 cards in the DPO with a different border (the banes, the restorers, and another one which I can't remember offhand) - and that border is wider at the top and bottom. It's easy enough to trim off a bit more so those fit.

I *think* that the images on the cards are the same dimensions, so if one decided to do away with the borders and titles altogether, things should work out. If you're going to do that, be sure that you measure them all carefully!

A happy consequence of trimming these decks is that I can *almost* riffle shuffle them longways. I did an extensive 'Umbraeing' of them, and now they're almost too pliable, reminding me of a MRP deck. :( Oh well, live and learn!