Travelling decks?


evelone said:
haha, Le Fanu - they have these things called *books*... since the invention of movable type by that gentleman Gutenberg, they no longer cost as much as a house.

I can't even shuffle big decks, so I don't think I could shuffle books. :p

I never leave home without some decks and the ones I take vary. Unfortunately, I lost my little Halloween in a tin that I loved so much when I took the train last time but now I have one or two again. But other than that, that's the only deck I've ever lost.

If I were to travel a long distance right now, I think the decks that would go with me would be the Anna K, the Ian Daniels Vampyre deck, my trusty VR Gold, and a suddenly re-interesting Hanson Roberts. Oh, and my pocket Universal Waite.

Le Fanu

evelone said:
haha, Le Fanu - they have these things called *books*... since the invention of movable type by that gentleman Gutenberg, they no longer cost as much as a house.
Goodness, but imagine being stranded at the airport, having to buy & read a trashy novel when you could be studying Etteilla meanings!


Oh, those words "stranded at the airport" conjure such horrors! I'm much happier at home with ALL my decks!


I always have such a hard time choosing what to bring, when I'm away..

In July, I went back to Canada for 4 months, and the figuring out what to take was just awful...

I ended up bringing a whole whack of things I wanted to trade or sell (postage is cheaper there, and the postal system is more reliable in Canada, so it makes more sense to do it from there), and then ended up keeping them all and hauling them back with me, just because I didn't get around to the selling.... Next year, probably.

In addition to the 10 or so decks I wanted to get rid of, I think I brought about 15 or 20 more... but I was there for 4 months, so that less than 5 decks per month, which is perfectly reasonable, right? ;)

I took my regular 'reading-for-the-public' decks: Soprafino, Roots of Asia, RWS, and large irridescant Illuminated.
And then some that I wanted to use in the class I was teaching... a Giant RWS, my Meneghello Visconti, a couple of Marseilles.

And then a couple I wanted to play with: Tarot of Trees, Corte dei Tarocchi, Magical Forest, Deviant Moon, Gaudais.

Of course, I didn't even get close to using everything I brought.. next year, if I do a similar trip, I'll pare it down a LOT. Last time, I had a bit of fear that it would be a one way trip, and so I thought I should take anything reeaally important, just in case.

On top of all that, I had decks that I'd left at a friend's place before I moved, (it was not possible to bring my whole collection, due to the weight restrictions for my luggage.. I moved with just 3 suitcases), and ones which I'd ordered after moving and had shipped to her (for security, and to avoid the high import taxes here), all of which I brought back with me this time. Most of my luggage was Tarot!


In contrast, I went camping last weekend, and managed to only take my Ancient Lombardy, my Magical Forest, and a Mini Visconti........ I was proud of myself for packing light ;)


The Whimsical and the Universal Waite Professional is coming home with me.


My deck choices this year are going to be tempered by consideration of what I can allow to warp. I've noticed lately that any deck leaving the house immediately warps. Does this mean my house is--drumroll--on the damp side? I think it must. The decks are so swollen with humidity that as soon as they dry out a little they torque and twist with the shock . . .

I've noticed that once they come back in the house, though, they flatten out again. Aaaaah. :neutral:

So, Tarot of the Origins, already subjected to this treatment several times, will be travelling again. Poor Origins.

My mother wants to see Tarot of the Crone so I have to pack that for her. Other decks on the maybe list include Tarot of Trees, Angel Tarot, NavigatorsTotMS, Sacred Circle, White Light, and Hezicos. Several of these made the list for the same reason as Crone, only my mother doesn't know about them yet so I may not bring them.

I'll be on the train for 36 hours so I also need to think about distribution between carry-on (more warping potential) and checked (more losing potential) baggage. It's confusing. :|


I'd have to take my AnnaK with me. It's small and portable, and I love it!


This was a great, hilarious thread to find after a stressful day.

The only one that seems to travel with me is the Fradella Adventure. It is thankfully lacking in nudity, and came as a set with the companion book and oversized out box. This means that it's protected, and won't look quite so distasteful if anyone should see me.

It's also there because I was traveling with all of my working decks to meet a reading friend, and the Fradella didn't fit in my box. So it went in a spare pocket in my backpack where it keeps getting forgotten about.


I rarely travel, but if I do, I'd probably try and find room for my OOP decks. After all, if the house burns down when I'm away, they are the ones I won't be able to replace; and if a bomb in the aeroplane blows up my decks it will also blow me up, so problems whilst travelling won't matter anyway.

By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.