Trevisan's Lo Scarabeo “d'Arte” tarot, Tarocchi di Vetro.?


Does anyone know anything more about the Italian Crystal Tarots?

I heard it was a massmarket edition of
Trevisan's Lo Scarabeo “d'Arte” tarot, Tarocchi di Vetro,

and I was wondering if anyone knew anything about that...



One word - GORGEOUS!

But make sure you know what you are buying - it comes in two versions, a 22-Majors only, and the whole 78-card pack. I would advise on the second, because the minors are beautiful too.


serendipity - definitely read the thread Cerulean links to, it is chock full of goodness and fascinating tangents. This was already mentioned in another thread someplace not devoted to this particular deck, but: one of the deck's unusual qualities is that the swords have a water theme The (stunningly beautiful) swords are often entirely or partially submerged. At first I was confused by this when trying to read with the deck, much as I used to get tripped up by deck authors swapping fire and air between the swords and wands (which still trips me up if it makes no sense and makes the deck choppy and unintegrated with itself). But upon further use and familiarity it was no longer a hindrance, and being someone who quite frankly identifies with and to a certain extent favors the suit of swords, I personally have found that the water thing adds a brand-new (to me) spin on the suit; interpretations are not more difficult, but rather gain additional aspects and increase insight.


It's a great deck! Beautiful colours, interesting style of art.


Thanks, Cerulean, for the link. I have more studying to do! Obviously, there's more to the Crystal than meets the eye. But what meets the eye is so beautiful!