Are crystals allowed on the plane?


I'm leaving for NYC in 2 weeks time and I'm planning on taking my tarot bag with me on the plane in my carry on luggage. I have a green aventurine stone that I put together with my tarot deck and I was wondering if there may be restrictions against bringing crystals or tarot cards up the plane? I checked the TSA website and I didn't see anything against crystals or tarot cards but I just want to make sure!


Tarot cards - no problems at all. (There is another thread here !!!)

Crystals - I have certainly carried a few stones I foudn on beaches and nothing happened to me. I can't imagine why they'd be an issue unless you are talking something big enough to knock the pilot over the head with... :D


We travel all the time, and often fly to where we are going. I always have a tarot deck with me and keep a stone with them as well. In my wallet, (though I do often remember to take out my loose change), I have a citrine, and on my person, I often carry some protection stone, and my rose quartz. I also carry metals with me, (the Catholic in me) and while these I do have to put into a bowl as I go through security, I retrieve them as soon as I'm done. Never a problem.

Only one time did I raise eyebrows going through security. It was when on my carry on bag I had 4 different tarot decks and 2 playing card decks. I was pulled over to the side with 3 security officers who emptied my bag completely and made me open all the tarot boxes that the cards were in. I explained to them that I was a tarot card reader. They thought that was a bit 'extreme', can you imagine??? :p


Tarot cards - no problems at all. (There is another thread here !!!)

Crystals - I have certainly carried a few stones I foudn on beaches and nothing happened to me. I can't imagine why they'd be an issue unless you are talking something big enough to knock the pilot over the head with... :D

Thanks gregory! I'll go check out the other thread :D My stone's pretty small sized, I'm just wondering if they'd trigger an alarm or something. I had a very bad experience with airport security when I was 14 and I'm still pretty paranoid about what I can bring and what I can't bring up the flight.


We travel all the time, and often fly to where we are going. I always have a tarot deck with me and keep a stone with them as well. In my wallet, (though I do often remember to take out my loose change), I have a citrine, and on my person, I often carry some protection stone, and my rose quartz. I also carry metals with me, (the Catholic in me) and while these I do have to put into a bowl as I go through security, I retrieve them as soon as I'm done. Never a problem.
Ahh thank you that makes me feel so much better. Did you have to put the crystal in the bowl before going through security as well? Or is it fine to leave the crystal+tarot deck inside your carry on while it goes through security?

Only one time did I raise eyebrows going through security. It was when on my carry on bag I had 4 different tarot decks and 2 playing card decks. I was pulled over to the side with 3 security officers who emptied my bag completely and made me open all the tarot boxes that the cards were in. I explained to them that I was a tarot card reader. They thought that was a bit 'extreme', can you imagine??? :p
Haha the irony! :D


no, my crystals stayed inside the bag with the cards--save when I had to empty all of the boxes/bags that one time....

even in my wallet, the stone stayed inside my wallet/coin section.

the ones that were in my pocket, I did take out and place in the bowl with my jewelry and such.


Actually I think the other thread is in chat, so you won't be able to see it... But whoever it was, their deck wasn't even noticed by anyone !

The only thing that EVER triggers ANYTHING for me (and it happens EVERY DAMN TIME !) is the metal eyelets on my boots which I always wear on planes as they take up so much baggage space and are quite heavy !! (and the only thing that ever interested anyone in a search was a large number of packets of cookies, for a pregnant friend with cravings. Customs did think that rather odd ! but had to admit that you can't do a lot of damage with cookies. Even chocolate ones!)


I can't imagine why they'd be an issue unless you are talking something big enough to knock the pilot over the head with... :D
This was precisely why I had to leave two fossil stones in Security 2 years ago. The airline was the Scandinavian one (SAS) and the flight from Norway to Finland.
The stones were the size of toast slices and the security people said they were big enough to be used as weapons on board. I thought it was a bit far fetched :bugeyed: Maybe in truth they wanted the beautiful stones for themselves }) :p


No TSA Issue

I fly domestic every few months and I Always, Always carry my stones (tumbled ones) with me. I even wore my Rose Quartz on my bra and TSA had no issues with me. As far as the tarot cards, no issues there whatsoever either.



usually no problem and I carry lots of stones - however if you are going through quarantine
(Australia - New Zealand for example) you want to make sure they are clean - no dirt on them that it.