Confused about a spread


There is a type of spread where for example the card placed in front of the last card is a card of Advice or What you should do and the last card is Outcome or Result (BUT ONLY IF YOU DO WHAT THE PREVIOUS CARD SHOWS). For example:

Card 1: Present
Card 2: This shows the problem
Card 3: This is your task
Card 4: Result (but only if you do what the previous card asks you to do)

In some 7 cards spreads (Horseshoe) cards 6 and 7 have basically the same meaning as the card 3 and 4 in the spread above.

My question is: what if the last card (Outcome/Result) is a negative one? What if it is the 3, 8, 9, 10 of Swords or Tower or 4 or 5 of cups, so on? How would you interpret the Task/Advice/To do card? Like something to avoid doing and than the negative Outcome won't happen? Like a warning?

Very interested in hearing (reading :) your inputs. Thanks!

ana luisa

No card is intrinsicaly good or bad. And it all depends on the surrounding cards that "build up" to the advice /result one. The 3 of swords in a relationship card may be telling you to stop investing in that partner, stop fantasizing or even to stop dwelling on past heartbreaks that may hinder your CURRENT relationship. The 8 of Swords asks you to be brave and face your fears that are largely unfounded. Or to surrender to an SM invitation or be more playful in bed :D The 9 of Swords also tells you that your worst enemy is yourself and that the negative thinking is the main reason why the situation is so bad. So, it encourages a new vision and approach to life/things. Finally, the 10 of Swords may advise you to stop investing on the same ideas because they are NOT doing you good, or that the ordeal is over, or that you're being overly dramatic or that you need to look for an acupuncturist!
Do not take a card as a self-cointaned universe. The reading is organic, like a text and unless you're doing on-card readings, you should always consider the other cards.


What Ana Luisa said. :) In many cases, the last card will show that the problem will cease to be (10 of Swords, Tower). Other 'negative' cards can be seen as what exactly will disappear (3 of Swords for healed heart, 8 of Swords for new clarity, 9 of Swords for getting rid of depression, etc.).


rylla, a negative card as the outcome could be a warning. It's not definite. We can change the outcome and also it might not come true, it's saying "this is the current outcome". so the advice or task might help you avoid it or to change things.


Thank you all.