Crowleys Books


Ummm ... ummmm... damn!

Yes, but what's it called??? DOH! Not much use am I?

You know Aeon? That little book that puts all mysto-magicisism in a nutshell? It has the basic premises 1 2 3 etc. and compares the different branches of yoga and magick.

I've mentioned and even quoted it here before (maybe it is mentioned above?)

But anyway, whatever its called :laugh: thats a good one,

Short simple to the point and V.educational.


'Postcards to Probationers' - THATS IT!
(Thanks Aeon - ;) - hey man, that ESP of your is awesome!)


Postcards to Probationers

1. The world progresses by virtue of the appearance of Christs (geniuses).
2. Christs (geniuses) are men with super-consciousness of the highest order.
3. Super-consciousness of the highest order is obtainable by known methods.

Therefore, by employing the quintessence of known methods we cause the world to progress.


1. Theology is immaterial; for both Buddha and St.Ignatius were Christs.
2. Morality is immaterial; for both Socrates and Mohammed were Christs.
3. Super-consciousness is a natural phenomenon; its conditions are therefore to be sought rather in the acts than the words of those who attain it.

The essential acts are retirement and concentration --
as taught by Yoga and Ceremonial Magick.


1. Since truth is supra-rational, it is incommunicable in the language of reason.
2. Hence all mystics have written nonsense, and what they have written is so far untrue.
3. Yet as a still lake yields a truer reflection of the sun than a torrent, he whose mind is best balanced will, if he become a mystic, become the best mystic.



1. Since the ultimate truth of teleology is unknown, all codes of morality are arbitrary.
2. Therefore the student has no concern with ethics as such.
3. He is consequently free 'to do his duty in that state of life to which it has pleased God to call him.'


1. Since truth is supra-rational, any rational statement is false.
2. Let the student then contradict every proposition that presents itself to him.
3. Rational ideas being thus expelled from the mind, there is room for the apprehension of spiritual truth.

It should be remarked that this does not destroy the validity of reasonings on their own plane.


1. Man being a finite being, he is incapable of apprehending the infinite. Nor does his communion with infinite being (true or false) alter this fact.
2. Let then the student contradict every vision and refuse to enjoy it; first, because there is certainly another vision possible of precisely contradictory nature; secondly, because though he is God, he is also a man upon an insignificant planet.

Being thus equilibrated laterally and vertically, it may be that, either by affirmation or denial of all these things together, he may attain the supreme trance.


1. Trance is defined as the ek-stasis of one particular tract of the brain, caused by meditation on the idea corresponding to it.
2. Let the student therefore beware lest in that idea be any trace of imperfection. It should be pure, balanced, calm, complete, fitted in every way to dominate the mind, as it will.

Even as in the choice of a king to be crowned.

3. So will the decrees of this king to be just and wise as he was just and wise before he was made king.

The life and work of the mystic will reflect (though dimly) the supreme guiding force of the mystic, the highest trance to which he has attained.


1. Yoga is the art of uniting the mind to a single idea.

It has four methods.
Gnana-Yoga. Union by Knowledge.
Raja-Yoga. Union by Will.
Bhakta-Yoga Union by Love.
Hatha-Yoga. Union by Courage.
add Mantra-Yoga. Union through Speech.
Karma-Yoga. Union through Work.
These are united by the supreme method of Silence.

2. Ceremonial Magick is the art of uniting the mind to a single idea.

It has four methods.
The Holy Qabalah. Union by Knowledge.
The Sacred Magick. Union by Will.
The Acts of Worship. Union by Love.
The Ordeals. Union by Courage.
add The Invocations. Union by Speech.
The Acts of Service Union through Work.
These are united by the supreme method of Silence.

3. If this idea be any but the Supreme and Perfect idea, and the student lose control, the result is insanity, obsession, fanaticism, or paralysis and death (add addiction to gossip and incurable idleness), according to the nature of the failure.

Let then the Student understand all these things and combine them in his Art, uniting them by the supreme method of Silence.

- Aleister Crowley


Once again I would still like to thank you all, I've deiced to buy my books from Amazon. My next question is when I was browsing Amazon I saw the book "Aha!" and noticed it had the tree of life on it. But, I was unable to find a good bit of information, so I was wondering is it about the Tree of Life or is it a introduction to it? I have some knowledge on Qabalah, Its not excellent but I understand it so would that be a good start or should I read up more on it? Just encase my question was not understandable I meant I have studied on Qabalah before just not in depth, So would I be able to understand the writings?


Amazon has Magick: Liber Aba : Book 4 (Hardcover)
by Aleister Crowley List Price: $80.00 Price: $50.40

a beautiful, large Hardcover edition..


Yeah I saw that I'm going to purchase it when I have some extra money.


Ya know, when I first started with all the occult, mystical, magical mumbo-jumbo doings, *lol*, I was thrown down the rabbit-hole just like Alice... It made no difference that I welcomed jumping into it by challenging everything I had been previously taught, (whether educationally, religiously, socially, or politically), I was as lost as lost can be, *lol*... Alas, when it came to Crowley, well, the rabbit-hole looked positively sane compared to his writings, *lol*

Now, given that he was touted as both the wickedest man in the world alongside with being the greatest magician the world had ever seen, the question was begged: 'who WAS this guy?'

I read his stuff, along with other stuff (as Aeon418 has suggested), so I could put a dent in understanding Crowley's stuff... But the fact remained that I would not participate in any kind of ritual doings because I STILL did not know who this man WAS... until I read 'Little Essays Toward Truth'... that book was the 'AHA' for me...

Finally, I could see what he stood for and, in that sense, felt him to be a decent man in his heart even tho his words and deeds at times, (okay, many many times, *lol*) were reprehensible... ugh, how human of him, *lol*

In any case, it eased my own mind and heart considerably in continuing to plow thru Aleister's vebose egomania... Yet, it was, to me anyways, his acute hubris that brought him to the forefront of the general population's fascination with him and, therefore, occult wisdom... a good thing, in and of itself... Should he have been a mild-mannered genius, Thelema would be in the belfry along with the bats and no one the wiser to its existence...

The other book that so touched me was his, 'The World's Tragedy'... It's a play actually... but again, for me, gave me an insight into his heart... After all, I can only take so much 'brains', *lol*... Brains without Heart, to me, is like Power without Love... it just runs amok turning to cinders everything in its path including itself eventually... Which is why, I suppose, 'Love is the law, love under will', *s*...

I have to agree that everything I've read, and continue to read, other than Crowley helps me enormously in understanding him all the better...

As for Qabalah, I found two books that were invaluable to me regarding magick... Dion Fortune's 'The Mystical Qabalah' and Eliphas Levi's 'The Mysteries of the Qabalah: or Occult Agreement of the Two Testaments'


ravenest said:
(Thanks Aeon - ;) - hey man, that ESP of your is awesome!)

No problem. :laugh:


angus93 said:
My next question is when I was browsing Amazon I saw the book "Aha!" and noticed it had the tree of life on it. But, I was unable to find a good bit of information, so I was wondering is it about the Tree of Life or is it a introduction to it?
No, AHA is Crowley's lengthy poem about the path of initiation, mystical attainment, and Thelema. It's really good, but it probably won't help you with qabalah. I think James Wasserman stuck the Tree of Life on the cover when he was editing it just to make it look cool.

A little bit of qabalah should make this little excerpt from AHA clear though.
There is a crown for every one;
For every one there is a throne!

That crown is Silence. Sealed and sure!
That throne is Knowledge perfect pure.
Below that throne adoring stand
Virtues in a blissful band;
Mercy, majesty and power,
Beauty and harmony and strength,
Triumph and splendour, starry shower
Of flames that flake their lily length,
A necklet of pure light, far-flung
Down to the Base, from which is hung
A pearl, the Universe, whose sight
Is one globed jewel of delight.
Fallen no more! A bowered bride
Blushing to be satisfied!

All this, of once the Eye unclose?

The golden cross, the ruby rose
Are gone, when flaming from afar
The Hawk's eye blinds the Silver Star.


Thank you Aeon418 once again for the help. As for that everyone has been very helpful so far.