What do you dislike about tarot after going pro fulltime?


The only downfall I've felt was when I worked at the meta store and took walk-ins. I do NOT miss walk-in clients. But that is no more, and I did learn a lot, and got a lot of clients who have followed me. Now I work out of a small office, by appointment only, and it is all good.:heart:

I lied...there's more. I also wasn't real thrilled when one or two particular friends would sigh loudly and say how they SO needed a reading, though I'd just told them I'd been at work all day doing that very same thing in back-to-back appointments. It wasn't that I thought I was 'all that' since I became professional; my reading skills didn't suddenly turn to gold or anything. It also wasn't that I all of a sudden expected payment; I never even implied that (had to clear that up eventually). It was just that I was very tired at the end of the day. On my days off, I didn't even want to look at my cards. Come to think of it, several friends were quite miffed about that. I guess it did stop being fun for quite a while there...:eek:

Well, not un-fun in a bad way, just differently focused. I much prefer being a 'free agent', though. Now that I'm out from under the protective umbrella of a shop, I have to do all the work of organizing and marketing myself. The pay-off is no split with an owner, and my schedule is my own to maintain. Tarot is fun again.:)


thanks Logiatrix!


The one tough thing for me is seeing people in pain, especially when they're making self-destructive choices. Case in point: one person called me and, described their ex as someone who cheats, is abusive, is an addict, uses people and throws them away, and a host of other qualities that would make any self-respecting person run screaming from the thought of pairing off with her. Then my caller proceeded to ask: "Does she think about me at all? Does she love me? Will she leave the person she's with and come back to me?"

Aaaaargh. Now, the part of me that once dated people who treated me abysmally can empathize with someone who hasn't Learned Their Lesson yet that they deserve better treatment in a relationship. But I know the lesson is a painful one so I feel sad for anyone who's in the process of going through it. (Or, worse, NOT learning it and repeating the pattern in every relationship.)

Still, I hate to see people suffer, so it's hard to see people going through these things. Rather like the stint I spent working in a rheumatology clinic, where it was really hard to see some of the patients come in suffering from a flare of their condition.

All I can do in these cases is pray that a) the cards give clear, concise answers, b) I do an excellent job of transmitting said answers, and c) the answer registers with the caller (even if they don't want to hear it or accept it at first blush).


I think that for tax purposes in the US if you make less than $600 a year doing it, it is considered a hobby. But only by the IRS and who listens to those people?


Actually, if you are running as a business you can still count as a business even if you make nothing or less than $600, as long as you show you are making an effort to make the business a success. You can also make more money than $600 and still list as a hobby.

Having a hobby lets you write off your expenses up to the amount of the income made. So if you spent $500 during a year and only took in $200, you would only be able to write off $200 of the expenses.

Having a business lets you write off your expenses. So if you spent $500 during a year and only took in $200, you would be able to write off $500.

I have a reading business.

:love: Sheri


Look this is not a discussion on hobby vs business, call it what you want, its not about that, its about how things changed for you when you made the move


There comes a day...

Because at first? You're so excited and so full of good intentions. And you can only imagine what a dream job it would be to do something that you love so much.

But then?

There comes a day. You're tired. The kids have worn you out, you're battling the cold that you just nursed all the rest of the kids through. You feel like hell. Or maybe you just need some time to yourself.

...And you've got a gig. No excuses, no "sick days"... it doesn't matter why, there comes a day when you don't FEEL like reading. As in, "I just don't feel like doing a reading today."

But you HAVE to. Why? Because it's a job, and these people expect you to treat it as such. They can't reschedule their event, just because the Tarot reader isn't feeling up to reading that night. They don't care. They may be sympathetic about your illness, or your exhaustion, but they still don't really care. They only know you're falling down on their gig, and it's your fault. Period.

That transition, from "Oh I love doing this so much, I think I'll become a professional," to "Oh crap, I just don't feel up to reading for anyone today, but I have to anyhow," that transition? It's a toughy.


214red said:
Look this is not a discussion on hobby vs business, call it what you want, its not about that, its about how things changed for you when you made the move

Look, it is -- at least part of it anyway. I am not dissing the terminology. The point is that there are a lot of things to take into consideration and for me, where I live, taxes and such are part of what I took into consideration when I went pro. I have to file three different types of tax forms or business paperwork at different times of the year. I felt like I needed to retain a CPA so that he can let me know what I can or can't be reimbursed for and that is geared to what words I use to describe the nature of what I am doing (and what it is called matters for that purpose). Having to do all of this stuff is part of what I don't like about going pro. Being reimbursed 100% for my expenses is part of what I DO like about going pro.

Shade--what you say about the $600 is true, I just wanted to add that if you are making an attempt at a business making $600 or less doesn't necessarily automatically assign a hobby classification.

Alissa--you have hit on the key points that are relevent for any small business I think. I read somewhere that "setting own hours" was a reason people give when they start their own businesses, but what actually happens with the successful ones is that the owners were more confined to a schedule and actually work more hours than when they worked for others. If you are doing what you love or love what you are doing it doesn't seem like work. :D

:love: Sheri


Me: I don't do predictive readings, do you understand that?
Them: Yes
Me: I will tell you what looks possible and then tell you what you have to do to create it for yourself. I will not tell you who you will marry or when you will get a job. I use the cards to help you create the life you want.
Them: I understand

Later the next day:

Me: I'm seeing that any relationship you can bring into your life right now would be short term until you are willing to do the work understand and love yourself completely first.
Them: Okay, but will I meet someone in the next month or so?
Me: It's not a matter of meeting someone. It's a matter of you letting go of the desperate need to meet someone rather than fully be satisfied on your own. The minute you do that, someone long term will enter your life.
Them: Okay ... Can you tell me what color hair s/he has?
Me: <sigh>

Me: I see you going a different direction. I see that you might be able to do something more creative if you would commit to becoming motivated.
Them: Okay, but will I get a job soon?
Me: I see that you have the talent to create your own job, whether it be working for yourself or proposing a new job to an established employer.
Them: Okay, interesting. Will I get the job interview on Thursday?


For me it was when it all started becoming "a job" and no longer felt like my calling or life purpose. The very important spiritual aspect of it for me started to disappear and readings were becoming just something I did.

Well, the Universe gave me a rather strong wake up call when *that* happened! It's a long story but after that I reconnected stronger than ever and my readings became so much better.