Zombie tarot - No.8 Justice


In a battle of head versus heart, it is often going to be a close call as to which will come out as victor. Sometimes we need an impartial expert to pass judgement and give us the answer. And yes, at times it is true we may not like what we hear. If you don't like to hear the truth served up cold and impartial, don't ask in the first place. That zombie judge is not going to be taken in by any sob story or 'yeah, but....' excuse. It has heard them all before and would see right through any lie or manipulation. Or rather, it used to when it had two functioning eyes. Take what comes your way like a good little human and just give thanks that the death penalty is not likely to apply to your misdemeanour. If the judge could act as judge and executioner, well.. that is the time you should REALLY worry. It would love to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


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ana luisa

I would love to see this card in a spread sided by two others. That way, one could see who is using the brains and who is using the heart to solve the issue. The only downside is that it seems the brain will ALWAYS outweigh the heart.