Connolly: The Emperor

crazy raven

When I first laid eyes on this card, I thought wow, so much Green!
It prompted me to grab my manual from the The Color Institute of Canada (1990's) and share with you "I am the Angel of the Green Ray".

"Trust me, I am firm and constant. Be secure in me. Let me nurture you and give you a sense of yourself, a sense of balance and self-control, a sense of correctness. Things adjust in you as you work with the green healing colour of my vibration.

Find me in the green of life around you, rich in the chlorophyll of the leaves and trees and all growing green things.......

How important I am to you! Notice how you have built your planet clothed in my colour. I am the very skin, the out Layer of your Logos, the beautiful clothing of green flowing robes of trees and thick rich algae."

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this card. In most decks the Emperor is representative of Aries the Ram, a time of rebirth and spring, the first blossoms of flowers of enthusiasm and new ideas. Gifted with the power of persuasion they meet opposition head-on.

The Connolly Emperor anchored on the throne of wisdom, looks to his left for guidance. It's as if he listens and acts on the inspiration and information of Spirit or High Priestess and Empress.....analyzes it and manifests it into form. It's as if he's saying to fulfill your destiny you must become a creator.

In the outer world he represents authority, an official, teacher, a boss or fatherly figure. His talent for strategizing gives him the skills in theorizing, abstract thought, art, inventions and mathematics. He relies on his instincts.