Trimming the Thoth "just couldn't do it"


I know that there is another thread of this topic but didn't think it would fit in.

I bought a photo or paper cutter wasn't fiskars can't find one here. I found one made by xacto.

I just couldn't bring myself to cut the deck. I was afraid to ruin the deck my nice large deck. Maybe after I get a second one I will give it a go...

Sorry folks;


good for you :)

don't give in.

fight the good fight

don't hack up your Thoth


hehehe I trimmed one- the only one I have ever trimmed- it took me months to get up courage. I got another one and painted the border with ink- dark browny red. Much better solution and paintings themselves stand out well. I don't think I will ever trim a deck again- it gave me ulcers. ~Rosanne


I use the Thoth deck extensively, but sadly i have to admit that i'm not man enough for the job. About a year ago i tried to trim them but i still haven't done so. Mind you, i do prefer borderless cards generally regardless of bullet meanings.


I like the larger decks because the images stand out more.. I do, however, have a deck in which the cards are larger than the Thoth deck is ... It is the Rohrig tarot suffling the deck is almost impossible...


Trimming isn't for everyone.... But I love the results... I kept a backup deck just in case I ended up having second thoughts. Almost a year now since I trimmed the deck, and I finally gave the backup (untrimmed) version away.


I think that is part of the problem... I am not sure I will like it and don't have a back up deck....