Solve et coagula, the Lovers and Art


I just posted this in another thread, and then I found this one!

Ok, I have a problem with “solve et coagula.” I understand when people say/think that solve means divide, like you can dissolve a company, marriage, government, etc. BUT, chemically, when something is dissolved, like salt in water or sugar in coffee, it is COMBINED so closely that you can’t see that they’re two different things, the taste, too. So when I think literally, solve as divide is confusing. Jumping ahead, “rectification” or at least distillation is ACTUALLY dividing, separating liquids by their boiling point. But coagula is definitely joining. So maybe it should be “rectify and coagula.”

Your posts totally explain this! Solve as in breaking down to the smallest particle=the molecule! A solution is actually the water and salt molecules evenly distributed! They are the smallest particles they can be an still be salt or water! You guys are too too smart. I should have figured someone here had this figured out!

As for the 3 things: two joining to make third. Sulfur-Emperor marrying Salt-Empress, and their child is Mercury-Magus! (Or the one marrying them Mercury-Hermit?)

Thank you everyone for your insights!