shuffling, energy or bad interpretation?


Yes, if the cards are put on a test they lie. I remember when I was a beginner I didn't actually believe that Tarot can predict the future and I ask all sorts of stupid questions because I bought the deck with the intention of having fun. I secretly hoped it can predict the future (because I liked one guy so much and I wanted to know what the future holds for us), but my rational mind didn't agree with it.
I was asking all sorts of stupid questions and everytime I got very sarcastic answers. I have even asked my cards wheather I am female or male. of the times I asked that question they would answer I was male, but I am not. Sometimes there were pages coming out, so I read it as "something in between". I enjoyed it in a way, because I sensed there was a dialogue running even if the Tarot was using offensive celestial language. :D :D :D

So yeah, if people don't believe it or at least they don't respect it they shouldn't ask.

If you are beginner and you want to understand the language of the cards don't ask about things you know, but just ask your cards to show you in their language the thing you are asking for. For example: Show me in your language how do you say "hopeful person" and they will tel you.


Hi Thunder,

ok that is a really good tip. I will do that (asking tarot to show me, in its language, which card represents what.

Thank you for sharing your story!


For those of you that might be interested, I have to admit that you were probably right! I asked tarot if not shuffling the card for a different question can create problem with the spread, I got Rx 7 of swords (meaning that it is a sneaky thing to do, to a lesser extend)

I also asked if it was ''wrong'' to test tarot and I got the devil card!

So yes, it was not the best idea ever

Well, we learn everyday :)


If I'm doing a reading about a specific question, then I don't reshuffle the deck as long as any other questions asked are on the same subject of the reading. If a sitter suddenly wanted to test me by asking something else during the reading, I'd tell them that we needed to finish the reading we were doing first and that they'd have to book another reading if we did that.

In the case where your friend did that to you, it was very rude. I don't think I'd want to read for her anymore if it were me. It sounds to me like she doesn't really have faith in the cards or in your readings and just wanted to win one over on you. If that's the case, then you're wasting your time on doing readings for her.

But for me, staying with one area of information I'm reading about without shuffling anymore is what I do. On a really rare occasion, I can see where maybe I might use a second deck to shuffle and ask a separate question if it were a really in-depth reading but I've never had that come up before.

And her asking you what SHE felt about a guy was just way out there, anyway. You're reading her cards, not her mind. That's what I always tell people---I read cards, I don't read minds.


Hi guys,

Today, it is the first time since a really long time that I was totally out of track when doing a reading about a love interest for one of my friend.

She ask me how a new love interest perceives her, questions about his family and other general questions about him and she said that I was quite accurate.

During the same spread, she completely switch to another guy to test my accuracy. We didn't SHUFFLE the cards and she ask me how she perceived another guy (the question was: Is she physically attracted to the second guy?). I pulled the star and the 2 of wands (so to me it was more yes than no). However, I was completely out of track since she swear that she was not attracted at all to the second guy. So my question is: Is it possible to get the wrong cards if you start a second spread without shuffling the cards? Like if the energy of the first spread was still present? I know that the cards don't lie!

*Note: To me, the star and the 2 of wands meant that she WAS attracted. So it is really like if I did pull the wrong cards for the first time, not that I didn't interpret them well, I believe.

Thanks :) I know that we can't always be accurate, but it is the first time that I was so out of track, so it was like a downer

Hi Tarot_Quest. :grin:

Here are my thoughts and beliefs on what you asked.

First, depending on how you shuffle, it is not necessary to reshuffle each time. For example, for myself I pick the cards by holding the deck upright before me wtih my eyes closed and feeling which cards are "calling to me" as the right cards. If I feel I need to reshuffle between readings I will. If I sense it is not necessary I can skip that step and no harm done.:grin:

Next, the question you asked about if she was attracted to someone is a yes/no where the answer is meant to be yes or no. Yes, no questions do not work for everyone. A lot of people, myself included, don't do well with yes/no questions and have stopped using them for that reason. If they don;t work for you, you won't get accurate answers. My experience was I never got accurate answers with yes/no questions. I tried for months. Until one day I up and asked the deck if it would EVER give me accurate answers to yes/no questions. The cards said NO. That is when I stopped asking that kind of question forever. For me they don't work. They may not, for you too.

I also agree with what others have said about the cards not liking to be "tested". If they sense the question was just asked to test your abilities and not because of a need on the part of the querent to actually know the answer, "the cards" (actually whatever is answering us via the cards) may just stop answering. There has to be a sincere desire on the part of the querent to know. Otherwise, the cards are not always thrilled with being triffled with and can refuse to answer. They don't usually like to be "tested". Tarot runs on faith. Faith is something that comes from within and it has to happen without proof, if you know what I mean, or it is not real faith.

I personally never read for someone who is trying to test Tarot to see if it can work, for that reason.

Is it possible to get the wrong cards? Anything is possible, if for example you were not really paying attention when you chose the cards. Or if YOU yourself had not let go of the first question in your mind and it was still very much on your mind. I don't think the energy of the deck would have an effect as in making the wrong cards come up. But your energy, if you were still preoccupied with the last question and asked the new one before you are ready might have. Or if you felt any nervousness about being tested, that could have distracted you.

But my personal opinion is that the shuffling part is not enough to through things off.



Hi Grizabella,

yes I think that it is not a nice idea when my friend tried to test me... Last time I did a reading (before this one) I told her what was going to happen with her love interest. Because she didn't like my answer, she tried to test me at the end and I didn't like it. Turn out that I was completely right about my reading for this guy. From now on, if I don't feel comfortable with people's questions (like testing my abilities), I will tell them and not answer :)

Hi Babs,

thanks for your long reply, it is highly instructive. Thirteen suggested me to always shuffle the cards if it is a separate question. I guess that everybody has its own personal rules ;) Moreover, I find it interesting what you said about yes/no questions. To me, it works really well. For a yes/no question, the cards can be really strait forward and sometimes they will tell me a ''story'' with details with no absolute ''yes'' or ''no''. Its so interesting to see that every reader as a totally different experience with cards!!! By the way, I enjoy reading your replies :)