How do you feel when a reading of yours comes true?


Last year, around this time exactly, I pulled some cards asking how a particular situation would go down. There was no way I could if anything would turn out the way I predicted, it was a complete shot in the dark. However, I did save the reading into a document and never thought of it again.

Today, as I was looking through old documents, I found it :D EVERYTHING I predicted down to the nitty gritty details came true. I did the reading in May 2014, and it happened in March 2015. 10 months later. Although I did meet the guy in July of 2014. I just find it funny, because I even described his physical appearance and personal situation to a T.

Have you ever had an experience like this? I'm still in my teens and not confident with my reading/intuition skills so I still get excited when things like this happen :D


Congrats and enjoy it. Confidence comes with more readings and experience, so you souldn't worry about it. Say and journal what you see in the cards and after that you will understand if it's true. I am reading Tarot for 8 years and I am still very pleased when I see a reading of mine come true especially if it's a pleasant one for the sitter.
A few weeks ago a friend of mine asked me about a job she was interested, she wanted to know wheather she would work there. I told her she wouldn't take the job but someone will propose her another. It was highly unlikely scenario to happen because my friend and I live in a country with high unemployment and she lives in a small town which makes finding a job even harder. She was unemployed for years because she took care of her child and then there was no suitable job for her for a long time. So someone coming at her and asking her to work particular job - 5% or less possible perhaps, but it did come true. When she asked me about that question I remember I answered very quickly like I wasn't thinking what I was saying, it just came up. At the second moment I realized what I said and I was thinking to myself that was absurd scenario from rational point of view.


Have you ever had an experience like this? I'm still in my teens and not confident with my reading/intuition skills so I still get excited when things like this happen :D

<grin> As you get more experience, you'll start taking it in your stride.


You'll learn to just trust what comes to you and it will get to be something you can depend on. You'll also face sitters who tell you that what you see in the cards couldn't possibly come about and they'll even go off in a huff. You'll get used to that, too. I just smile now when I get that reaction.


I scoffed when I pulled the Tower card once..... I will never scoff again. Lesson learned.

(In other words, how I feel now is that I will never take for granted the cards I pull again)


You'll also face sitters who tell you that what you see in the cards couldn't possibly come about and they'll even go off in a huff.

<grin> I remember I did a reading in a new age shop for some woman, and when she was at the counter paying, the woman taking her money politely asked how her experience of the reading had been. She came over to me to laugh about it afterwards: apparently, I was brilliant on the past and brilliant on the present, but useless with the future. <cackle>


I get an eerie sense of awe every time, even years later. That feeling reminds me to respect the Tarot and not treat it as a game.

Marcus R

Naive apprentice that I am, I am surprised, pleased, awed.

Surprised to get something so definitely right. While I believe I get the big picture correct, I find the little asides or comments can be spot on. I don't get much feedback from my readings but have heard some good things.

Pleased that my skills are such that I can read the cards and my feelings of certainty when interpreting the spreads was skill rather than luck.

Awed at what Tarot can do and what I can do through Tarot.

I have found in my solitary musings over spreads of a personal nature that the cards can poke you in the eye when you need it.


I am happy when my reading is accurate.
This occurs some years ago when I read for my colleagues.
I read for my family and it usually is not accurate.
Maybe I am just not objective enough when reading for my family.


Well, I've been reading tarot cards for around 10 years and I honestly still get a little surprised and excited when that happens! :)

I actually don't do that many "future readings" so to speak. For my own personal use tarot is mostly my tool for getting advice, connecting with my inner wishes and shadows, and just spiritual work in general. But yeah, every now and then I do future oriented readings, and sometimes those "whoa!"-moments happen. :D But I'm glad that I'm sometimes completely "wrong" because to me that shows not everything is predetermined, we also have our own control over the future... ;)