What deck are you using now? (2011)


:heart: Shining Tribe :heart:

I've only had it for a few months now, but it has become my deck to go to, for daily readings and anything else I want to read for myself on. For many many years that was the Thoth, with a few years when the Crystal or Morgan Greer shared the limelight with the Thoth. Now ... SHINING TRIBE is it! :D I love it, and get such accurate and suitable answers from it. It's like my personal mentor and spirit guide now.


I'm enjoying the lovely watercolors of the Llewellyn Tarot this week, and I have it paired with the Beasts of Albion.


The Anna K. since it arrived yesterday :)


Morgan Greer, italian printing though. I like this edition, it's wonderfully glossy! Yet it still shuffles nicely.


Just pulled out my Tarot of the Origins this morning, and if it's possible, I'd forgotten how gorgeous it is! I'm going to try and complete my card meditation book I started for it last year...


I'm using the mini Harmonious Tarot.


I forgot to say in my earlier post that I've been using the Ferret Tarot in the evening. This deck has such a wicked sense of humor, but I'm finding its readings can be as sharp and to the point as those little ferret teeth!

Le Fanu

Been delving into my playing card drawer. I had forgotten how many beautiful playing card decks I have which have been languishing undisturbed for the last 5 years.

I have been playing with them in all kind of ways; shuffling, Patience, reading...


I bought too many decks last year. I can't decide on one to work with. Now they're ALL put away, because I don't know which one to pick.

If only someone would choose a toy for me, like Mom used to do, when I was overwhelmed with choices.


Sidhe, Sidhe, Sidhe!