The Process (Part One) The Skeptic


just slightly off-topic

Talisman said:
'Lo all,

Ditto what Trogon said.

(And this from someone who once confused Mr. Moto with Charlie Chan. Sigh.)

LOL Talisman... That's okay. I once got into a huge e-mail discussion with a person who kept attributing this Charlie Chan quote to Confucius!


Umbrae, as always your writing is impeccable, entertaining, and very very true... A joy to read.

I do have one thing to comment on in depth though: I disagree with your two types of readings. You make the distinction between Mundane and Psychic/Intuitive readings. I do not use Mundane readings, and instead 'say what I see' in the cards, as you describe teh Psychic reading. But I am as psychic as a piece of toast... Is there maybe a third kind of reading which uses the intuition, but cannot be classed as Psychic?



Umbrae, your post was one of the most personally meaningful things I have ever read on the tarot.

I'm printing it out and saving it. I can't wait for more.




Thanks for coming back with this topic. This is really useful and imaginative experience sharing.

Have you ever found that clients such the one you describe are attempting to cover their own nervousness and inexperience?

I've often thought they just want to cover the fact that they know very little about Tarot and want a reading, but are afraid of making mistakes somehow. As if I would laugh at them or something.

I also have people come see me over and over who still start out with, "You know, I really don't believe in all this stuff!" I can't help but notice that they seem to really get into the reading for someone who's supposed to be skeptical. ;)

Anyway, thanks again for the post.



I don`t usually ditto but ditto what everyone`s said.

Love and light

Crystalmynx xx



Umbrae, Thank You!!!

Your post is just what I have needed to read, that's hard to explain, as I don't express myself as well as you. You are addressing "the process" of reading for others, and this is what I've been asking about in various other posts. It's wonderful and I can't thank you enough.



Umbrae said:

Stay tuned…more episodes to follow…including reading for the overeager and others…
Umbrae...I loved it..:D...More, more, more...;)
I am not a very patient person, but I am waiting as patiently as I possibly can....****waiting, waiting**** for the 2nd chapter..




Excellent process Umbrae! Kiama, interesting point as the way I read seems to be similar to yours although I am still in the early stages of learning the tarot.

EDIT: Rofl, oops this thread is really old :p.


Umbrae, you sly dog. You analzye things more then me, and that's saying something.

Good job, and I look forward to more helpful hints on the readings for others thing.
