Question about Moon and feelings


I'm wondering if the Moon card can represent physical/sexual attraction. I'm using the Halloween deck and this is the card I drew for someone's feelings about me. There's a werewolf on the card and that's the interpretation that came to my mind. Any thoughts about this? What else can the Moon card mean in relation to feelings?


I have not seen the halloween deck, but Moon card does represent a lot of depression if we take feelings into account at the same time could also mean a hidden affair, so basically it really depends on the kind of question you asked!!! or he thinks about you at night lol, this one just popped in my mind:)!!!


It can. The Moon is a powerful feminine symbol. But there would be an element of fantasy and yearning to such sexual attraction. I don't know the Halloween either, but the werewolf mythos has traditionally been interpreted as man longing for his (her) basic instincts, or swinging between the "civilized" and the "instinctual". Werewolves are very interesting creatures - and most definitely sexual (see Neil Jordan's movie The Company of Wolves!). The whole motif of transformation from man to animal has a sexual tone to it and can be seen as an illustration of sexuality.

More traditionally, the Moon in a reading might indicate uncertainty - one day someone feels one way, the next day, he feels something else - or illusions: he sees something that isn't really there.

Al Si'ra

Helvetica already made a great explanation but here is my take on it as well..

When this card pops up as feelings in relationship spreads..for me- it means wild fantasies which usually contradict the civilized "thoughts" making the *subject person* go a bit lunatic in their hearts/minds/souls-it's like when women have their pms-they go a bit off and overboard in feelings and actions with all those hormones rising up-we get uncontrollable and unbearable lol (i do lol)
*Hysteria* is the word i kinda relate with this card..

Btw when i say wild fantasies-those might not be necessarily only sexual-can be countless things as Moon is mysterious and represents everything hidden-making this card unique for each person..
There are sure many things under surface which you are not aware of as feelings...And when i see this card in such positions i would probably say that the person-as Helvetica says- feels one thing one day and another thing another day-and he has no control over whatever he's feeling...
I've also seen this card as: "I just don't know what i am feeling about this person" meaning -losing track with reality-not having clear thoughts and a path..
But my personal interpretation is-this person does indeed have feelings for you both sexual and probably a bit romantic as moon is sooo romantic :)-but as the moon changes phases his feelings might as well change phases-during day and night?One day he might think he is in love the other day he might think it was nonsense..he is probably strangled by all those feelings as well

So just be careful ok?? I wouldn't take this card as a reliable stable situation

Those are
Just some thoughts..



CastleRock said:
I'm wondering if the Moon card can represent physical/sexual attraction. ........
........... Any thoughts about this? What else can the Moon card mean in relation to feelings?

I`ll say yes, but it depends on the position on the spread.
The Moon in the aspect as sexual attraction is not only sex for the sex itself, also may represent sex, looking for the pregnancy.-
On the other hand, may represent only illusions, desires hidden in your heart that you have to explain to yourself. Some kind of sexual afraid


I have gotten it with that meaning - it was someone I had a deep sort of uncanny connection with, it was as if we were so in tune with each other right from the start that we could practically communicate without talking, and yes, definitely sexual attraction there. He was also married, so there was also that element you get with the Moon of clandestine-ness, scary things emerging from the dark, deep submerged feelings, etc.


mtnmermaid said:
I have gotten it with that meaning - it was someone I had a deep sort of uncanny connection with, it was as if we were so in tune with each other right from the start that we could practically communicate without talking, and yes, definitely sexual attraction there. He was also married, so there was also that element you get with the Moon of clandestine-ness, scary things emerging from the dark, deep submerged feelings, etc.

My English writing is bad
Something for me it’s not clear, what is your real question?
Listen, the Moon for me is a challenge Arcane. The Moon in a sexual sense appears when we feel like champagne bubble in our heart, but I think that you already know that.
But in your question, I think, you are looking for an answer that, in this moment doesn’t exist/hidden, or it’s hidden in your heart , or you have some afraid about the situation an it’s impossible to read.
May be, if you try another card?


I deeple sorry, I write (you/your) when it would be in a impersonal way


Thanks for your replies. I wasn't taking into account the illusion aspect to the card, but that really makes sense in this situation. And I think there are indeed feelings of uncertainty. I'm not sure if I should take this card in a negative way...I think it makes sense because I haven't known the person for long. Perhaps it's reflecting my feelings for the that possible? Oh, I didn't use a spread this time. I just drew one card, got the Moon. I did draw a clarification card, got the World, and that confused me even more, lol (I'm only using Major Arcana for now).


Well you know, the Moon might show nothing more dramatic than the uncertainty of early days, mixed with sexual excitement.