study group application ~ aquarius

isthmus nekoi

I've been noticing a drop in ppl posting - if this group is moving too fast again, please speak out! I think we can all empathize when astrological language quickly becomes too dense or cumbersome. Don't be afraid to ask for translations into normal English ^_^ Also, pls don't feel pressured to post long winded essays like me!!
Minderwiz, that's a good point about Aquarius not being social on a personal level. Uranus (and Saturn!) isn't exactly the easiest planet to get along with! The interesting thing about Aquarius is it stresses individuality w/Uranus' pull towards the unorthodox, and yet, Aquarius is also a sign that stresses brotherhood and equality. Maybe this is why Aquarians can be hard to pin down.

Moongold, I've read little about the lesser aspects, but I agree that they can have an important impact, esp since most astrologers say they require tighter orbs. As for retrogrades, there seems to be a fair bit of negativity attached to them, but I've also read this to mean a time of reflection, reevalutation, basically anything w/a 're' prefix :p

Since 2/3rds of my chart is empty (unless you count the asteroids), I tend to go through a tight string of conjunctions every now and then. I can't say that I notice the effects of the transiting personal planets much, but then again, I haven't really been paying attn.

And yup, that's another reason why Saturn fears - b/c he castrated Uranus, he ate his children out of the fear that he would be defeated in the same way. His wife (Rhea also? My, that would make this myth quite easy to read in an Oedipal way) tricked Saturn anyways and Jupiter/Jove/Zeus ended up defeating him to form the newer generation of Roman gods w/Juno.


Minderwiz said:
Well, these don't seem to be transits to your chart at all, unless my version of your chart in complete rubbish. I've got your Saturn at 22 degrees 28 minutes of Leo, (which actually is only a degree of mine, though I was born whilst Saturn was still Direct). Currently Saturn stands at 22 degrees 57 minutes of Gemini and is also retrograde - so it is applying to your Saturn by Sextile.

None of the other aspects are reflections of possible transits between the planets and your chart so I'm not sure what you did but you haven't got Saturn transits for the January/February period.

So I'm at a loss to understand the figures you've given unless you asked for something else than you thought you'd asked for.


You could be right. You are much more experienced at this than I, and this software package is just new. I cast my natal chart and asked for a transits report and that's what it gave me but I could be doing something wrong. probably am, in fact. It's a bit like being used to driving a manual car and then getting the latest BMW.

There is a Janus user group that I can follow up and I might email you a copy of what I've got if that is OK? I haven't checked to see if you are emailable.

The chart and report I had done at Astrodienst gave a different set of transits, although some of their predictions were heavy duty as well, so that supports your approach.

I guess it's all a part of the learning process and I simply want to get it right - nothing else matters.

Thanks for you help.



isthmus nekoi said:
I've been noticing a drop in ppl posting - if this group is moving too fast again, please speak out! I think we can all empathize when astrological language quickly becomes too dense or cumbersome. .

Yes, it would be good to think of a way to involve more people.

Perhaps we could ask for a volunteer Aquarian and do his/her chart in really accessible language so that people can see how attractive and interesting it all is?

Or perhaps we could do chart on an event so that people can see how everything works. Of course, when I say *we* it probably boils down to you, Minderwiz and Ophiel and others who know a little bit more.

I noticed there was a lot of interest in the hororary question so maybe the occasional demonstration of something special like that would be good. And some historic stuff as well would be interesting. The possibilities are endless.



Minderwiz said:
Well, these don't seem to be transits to your chart at all,

None of the other aspects are reflections of possible transits between the planets and your chart so I'm not sure what you did but you haven't got Saturn transits for the January/February period.

So I'm at a loss to understand the figures you've given unless you asked for something else than you thought you'd asked for.



The report I requested was quite complex and included progressions and other things I don't understand, so the mistake is obviously mine.

Back to the books for definitions and other relevant things.

A good experience. How does one learn without mistakes? Just as well I'm not an air traffic controller, simply a space cadet. But I know quite a lot about Saturn now so it has been worth it.



Moongold said:
Perhaps we could ask for a volunteer Aquarian and do his/her chart in really accessible language so that people can see how attractive and interesting it all is?

If you decide you need an Aquarian volunteer, I am available-
PM if you need more info.




It can't be easy having Mars, the active aggressor in Aquarius, the humanitarian...
Is that why my mom calls me anti-establishment. In my younger days I called for anarchy. Not for the desire to live lawlessly, but because the powers that be really bite the big one.
I'm really irritated by the fact that our(U.S) government is supposed to be "by the people and for the people" but it's actually ALL about the elite.

Mars and Venus(in Scorp.) are squared, one problem I have in relationships deals with my extreme independence. Using Uranus as the modern ruler of Aquarius, I have an exact sextile to Venus.

isthmus, I can relate to the bordem thing. I don't like being bored, but I'm not sure how that fits in with my chart.

Aq. colors my 6th house, work relations. I have worked well with others in all my jobs...truely a team player. I have been in management, with better response from my workers than from the bosses before. I have a gentle way of encouraging people who don't want to work to be productive.

SATURN...UHG.....this Capi is so tired of Saturn.;) Saturn has such a BIG infuence on me. Seems like when I think I might find some part of my chart that does not involve this planet... ...SUPRISE.... I had forgotten that Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aq. I am not even going to go there...there was plenty of Saturn when we where in Capricorn*lol*

11th house, Cancer, I'm new to including the application of houses...I'm a little stumped here...too much and not enough. Cancer and 11th house are empty, so I look to the(ruler) Moon... it's in Capricorn...there's that Saturn guy again...
All I can think is that I'm not a very strict parent. I allow my children alot of freedom to feed their curiosity, because it's good for thier growth. I have my rules of respect and order...but not a very good enforcer of the order part, the house tends to be messy alot. Luckly they are not wild, quite well behaved. That does not come from my point of view but that of my mother's, so it has to be true.

there's more for me to tell...but I'm just home from work...and not quite in the groove yet...


Moongold said:
Yes, it would be good to think of a way to involve more people.
what if *we* made up a bunch of questions, starting with basic and moving towards advanced.
and put out a quiz might lure some in and test ourselves as well.


That's worth trying Lunalafey, even if the 'we' becomes singular.

It makes the thread relate to what people want to know or want to see


Also if anyone is interested in the Horary stuff I'll do a few more readings if I can get some questions.

I'm just coming up to my final examination for my second Astrology Diploma and when I've got that out of the way. I think I'm going to have a little time for readings - maybe one a week or so.

isthmus nekoi

Minderwiz> Good luck on your exam!!!!

Moongold> Thanks for your suggestions :) I think you greatly overestimate my abilities though; natal chart interpretation is probably the only aspect of astrology I could help w/ and even there, I have *much* to learn!! Anyways, looking fwd to hearing about Uran in your chart as well. Hope you get the whole software thing worked out...

Tarotphelia> wow, thanks for your offer. Lunalafey has been kind enough to set up an account on for us, so if you PM her for the username and password, you can post your chart on the site.... I don't have the time to do a full interpretation, but can certainly look at the Aqu threads in your chart if you do decide to post it.

lunalafey> Ah! We're both sun Cappys w/Mars in Aqu! ^_^ I hear ya w/the irresponsible authority problem - figures in authority are given that power so they can protect and guide their subjects. If they're only looking out for their own self interests, then why should we respect their authority over us??? *sigh* Anyways, your Cap sun/moon will probably tone down any extremism coming from your Aqu action w/Cap's thoughtful, practical approach to things.

Yes, w/those aspects, I'd imagine relationships w/you would never be boring! Venus in Scorp can get very serious and has powerful emotions - give her a little action from Mars and Uranus, and I imagine you can be unpredictable esp b/c you prefer to take an active role in relationships. Those placements also strike me as giving you a more Socialist streak than me. I say this b/c Aqu/Scorp are the 'revolutionary signs' and you also have Cancer cusping your 11th - this directs me to think that you feel larger social groups should nurture and protect its individuals. See, w/my Sag cusping 11th, I feel social groups should be geared towards educating its public, exploring and understanding our environment together and also, participating in a solid, unified religious system that can connect its followers w/the numinous experience.

But ooooooooooh.... no more tests.......... I'm taking a language course right now and it's *constant* testing! But no, I'm just kidding, a test sounds like a good way to learn more. ^_^