Good book on the RWS


I like "Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary" by Sandra Thompson (Thomson?) for particular symbols and elements in the cards.

There was a coffee-table book by Jane Lyle that I found very helpful when I was learning. It was called "Tarot" or something equally original.


fyreflye said:
Isabel Kliegman, "Tarot and The Tree of Life."
Though perhaps Mary will disagree ;)
Actually I agree that this is an excellent book - except on the Court Cards. Isabel let too much of her own associations dominate those interpretations.

BTW, why do you assume that Waite understood anything about the tarot? He was a hack journalist.
I don't agree with this at all. He made part of his living from writing and a few of his books were written just to make money. However, most of his books were written from the heart, to explain his mystical perspective and beliefs. They may not be very readable but they are very heart-felt. He was on a mission that culminated in his own mystical Order and a later set of revised Major Arcana (the Trinick deck).