How do you know?


I'm curious to know how people determine what the cards are telling them and how you learned to trust your interpretations. I'm still learning the card meanings so often I have to read several sources, sometimes not, but something inside my head says "yes! That's it!". Now I've been practicing more I've been getting immediate light bulb moments, but not always.

I don't want to lead anyone astray when I read but sometimes I worry I don't have "it". Although I have always been interested in spirituality and when I was younger I had some weird experiences, less so as I grew older. Maybe I started to block it all out.

Anyway, long story short: how do you know when you draw a card what it's telling you?


It's hard to explain. Of all the things a card could mean, one just seems right this time round.


Exactly as Nisaba says - one of the many possible things in the card just comes through clearest, and I know that is the one to go with.

As time goes on that when that inner voice comes through it does so with increasing clarity and detail, and I notice more and more in each card, and the interpretations get more specific, more detailed and flow from card to card with each affecting the one before and after, and possibly the ones underneath and above. But it takes time - and the way to get there is just to keep reading - for everyone and everything!


Thanks guys! You all have helped me feel a better and more confident. Since I've started my practice Ive been recognise it more in my everyday life too - sometimes I just know something... such and such will happen, or so and so will say this and that beforehand. I think it helps now that I'm taking active steps to note it.


Over thinking the first impression is usually what happens to most....DOUBTS create questions ...Doubts are mistrusts...

Drop the "I gotta be right" bit and launch yourself into the unknowing ...the Land of the FOOL...Only by doing that will you short circuit the EGO and develop a boldness that some mistake for arrogance...Boldness grows as trust grows when cemented to FAITH...
This is why the FOOL has his sights on the heavens and launches himself into the unknown ...boldly...willingly...(RWS)

It's a hard thing to own and will require a bold payment...with a result of separation.


I have had the real "knowing" experience only 10 times: one or two with Tarot and 5 or 6 with the playing cards. Usually we think it can be either way but during the "knowing" thing, we know it's this and no other way. Once during my playing card daily draw I was told that the 7 men will be drinking in our drawing room. That indeed happened in the evening. My husband had his friends over and they were having 3 bottles of some alcohol. The numbers where indicated by the card numerical values and they had overlapping meanings. Therefore each card had a multiple story to tell but it all was relevant. The 7 men drinking is a meaningless fragment of the day and yet cards showed it. WHY??? :) Why did they chose to show that? In any case, these moments bring chills throughout the body and I wish I had more of these :) Usually (90% of the time) I have no idea what the cards are showing and I keep guessing. It's especially difficult when reading for others because I have no idea what is going on in their life and what these cards might be referring to. In any case, when doing many readings, one can learn through comparison and notice certain patterns and the "feel" of the tarot language. The more we are familiar with the cards, the more clear we can hear what they are trying to say. So, I believe that, like everything, this may come with time.


Over thinking the first impression is usually what happens to most....DOUBTS create questions ...Doubts are mistrusts...

Drop the "I gotta be right" bit and launch yourself into the unknowing ...the Land of the FOOL...Only by doing that will you short circuit the EGO and develop a boldness that some mistake for arrogance...Boldness grows as trust grows when cemented to FAITH...
This is why the FOOL has his sights on the heavens and launches himself into the unknown ...boldly...willingly...(RWS)

It's a hard thing to own and will require a bold payment...with a result of separation.

Exactly, well said Pete!

Welcome back...i missed you. :)

And Aina, just keep practicing and have patience. A body builder doesn't have a six-pack of abs after a month at the gym and an ice skater doesn't go to the Olympics after a year skating. Be patient with yourself, study the cards, and just keep trudging along. The best is yet to be.


On a lighter note...Don't let me put you off...Yep as G'bella has pointed out, keep going, at some point in the marathon of life you'll find if your still in there running, you'll be ahead of those that have dropped out....

If I may add...FEEL trust, and listen ...with your heart ...NOT YOUR HEAD...


With your heart in gear, FEEL the touch of a soft kiss...There's a whole universe in that fleeting moment... A foreverness that you KNOW and FEEL over and over again as though it were the some cases it even grows larger than the original.

Now... try to analyze it ...That's the headworks in operation ...That fleeting moment grows forever weaker until it finally doesn't rate a blimp or pip on the MIND field of the head....

The upstairs computer cannot FEEL a thing can talk about it can describe it can even duplicate it....but it can never understand it ,feel it, or produce it.

I have a little may just help you too...

Place any card on the table face up...examine it(that's the head in action )

you may find that it's just a coloured dead thing that's supposed to mean something ...Right ? isn't it? come on... what's it mean... HAPPEN !!! DO SOMETHING !!!

Letting the head run free...we do need it ...but not as the number one actor in life...

NOW ...
That same card...Imagine that it has a steamy flavour coming off it...breathe it in ... taste it ...savour it...breathe in the essence of that coloured piece of paper...trusting that ...though subtle you will know the essence of that card...let it's flavour flutter around your expectant heart place....

This is the heart FEEL and a result will happen ...just listen in that silent FEEL....IN silence.

NOISE or SILENCE are the places we go to when pushed....HEAD or HEART...ALL ME, or, ALL Quiet.
The better you understand those places the better you will know your cards...