
RLG said:
Suppose instead that your tree grows in Brooklyn,
where the Chariots run full throttle on the Left-Hand Path.
Therein are the horses cut loose in their chambers, exhausted, they spin all their Wheels of Fortune.
Adjustments are made just to maximize Strength
while the High(er up) Priest looks down from his Tower, announcing the Judgment with the Harlequin colors
while the Sun is at azimuth, (a Devil of a time).

You forgot to add .... 'can you guess the answer' :laugh:


Atalanta Fugiens

Keys of the Sol Invictus, BC 1:
Mars in Aries
Sun: Capricorn-Sagittarius
Jupiter about to CROSS Virgo into...
Mercury conjunct, Capricorn-Sagittarius
Venus in Aquarius
Moon in Taurus


Aces are the purest emanation of elements, the Spirit triumphant over their manifestation on the material plane. Our court cards, the letters of the Tetragrammaton on each of the four Trees, revolve around the them (74 + 16 = 90) like Chariot wheels on the axis mundi.

When the secret Fire rises up the spine, 90 + 20, we get Eleventy!
1 1 0

and Shin, rising up the Tree, spells out the Hebrew name of the ‘King’ - our ‘dying god’ in the age of pisces - penetrating Virgo’s hEYEmen to CROSS the threshold into Illumination. The Zero thus marked by the Sol Invictus, BC1, begins the golden spiral thru Time that meets the ELeventh Cube upon its completion.


A Festival of Apples!


Element 47

The 6th Pythagorean Triplet (11, 60, 61) forms a right triangle in which a circle r=5 (d=10) may be inscribed. Forming a CROSS of right angles with 4 such triangles, gives 4 circles [r = ab/(a+b+c)] whose combined area = 100π

Poised between the first Supernal Triad (3) and the 14th piece of Osiris, this is the CROSSroads where Circle and Spiral meet. Our glyphs signifying the essential dignities of Jupiter encode this formula, as does the constellation of Thoth's book by digital root, and so too the date from which our calendar 'begins'.

It only stands to reason that a system of Hermetic Metrology would measure Time as a volume, in a Cube, based on the progression of figurate numbers.

"Apples all-golden, I have here eleven..."


Euclid’s Orchard

Johannes Kepler said:
Geometry has two great treasures: one is the theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of the line intro extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold, the second to a precious jewel.”
231, the sum of our Triumphs = 22nd Triangle, 11th Hexagon, & 8th Octahedron. Being such a versatile figurate number, able to change into so many different forms, both Sepher Yetzirah & Tarot recognize its ‘mathemagical powers’.
In its guise as the 8th Octahedron (13 courses), One may see how the 6th Pythagorean triplet (see Element 47, above) ‘plugged’ into the CROSS ( a= 25π ) is in tune with the Golden Spiral as its weaves through the Octave... biting its’ own tail:

13th Interval
01 = 1
------------------------------------0 : C (0=22) : 261-262 Hz
12 ][=’14th Interval’ ][ 1100/14 = 25π ][1100’per sec.=speed of sound
02 = 5
----------1 : C#
03 = 14
----------2 : D
04 = 30
----------3 : D#
05 = 55
----------4 : E
06 = 91
----------5 : F
07 : 4/CROWN
07 = 140
----------6 : F#
06 [ 176:56 = π ][ 56= 4x14 =6th Tetrahedral
11 = 176 : ☿ spin-orbit resonance=3:2
---------------------------------7 : G : 391-392 Hz
09 = 201
----------8 : G#
10 = (216 +1) : 584 day ♀ synodic period = 216˚ (x5 = 8 Earth years)
---------------------------------9 : A = 440hz ][ 440/7:5 = 100π ][ 3:2=Perfect Fifth
03 = (225 +1) : ♀ orbit = 225 (x13 = 8 Earth years)
----------10 : A#
12 = 230
----------11 : B
01 = 13th Interval : Death
13 = 231
---------------------------------0=22 ][ 22:14 = π/2 :phase shift sinusoidal wave unison-octave

This -13- ( 8☿ ) -5-3 |♀| 2- sequence (13-8-5-3-2-1-1) divides the Octahedron into 1-1-1 sections which demonstrate a fundamental relationship between the Octave and the golden ratio. One should Note the relevance of Tarot’s traditional transposition of 8 & 11 within this context.

Cambridge history of Western music theory said:
“The two most fundamental tenets of the syncretic intellectual force known as Pythagoreanism are: (1) that numbers are constituent elements of reality; and (2) that numbers and their ratios provide the key to explaining the order of nature and the universe. These tenets epitomize the central doctrine Pythagorean philosophy and science: the metaphysical significance of numbers transcends their computational utility. Pythagorean mathmatician-philosophers grouped together the subjects Boethius later called the quadrivium - arithmetic, geometry, music (harmonics), and astronomy - through the conformity of number and observation they revealed...
“The number 10 represented the basis of the numeration system (units, tens, hundreds, etc.) and the concomitant principle of cyclical renewal, another manifestation of the unity of mathematical, natural, and cosmological elements. From the integral constituents of the Pythagorean tetractys arise the ratios of the harmonic intervals or consonances: the unison (1:1), the octave (2:1), the fifth (3:2), and the fourth (4:3)...
“Pythagorean mathematics included a theory of ratio (the relation of quantities) and a theory of proportion (the relation of two or more ratios)...
“Explaining music intervals through ratios and combinations of ratios became the defining feature of the Pythagorean tradition of inquiry in music theory and acoustical science. Ratios (as opposed to the differences between) string lengths or vibration frequencies yield universally valid quantification of intervals, independent of the actual pitches involved...”
“The rich implications of Pythagorean and Platonic philosophy and mathematics, ratios and magnitudes and their geometric representation, governed the science of music from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Ratio and proportion, understood today in algebraic terms, were conceived in Greek mathematics in terms of a close association of arithmetic and geometry epitomized by proportional relations of the lengths of vibrating strings. Geometric primitives - lengths, areas, angles - were expressed exclusively as numbers and fractions of ratios. Numbers themselves could be represented as geometric figures, while the mathematical properties of figurate numbers were demonstrated with arithmetic.”

- The Cambridge history of Western music theory
By Thomas Street Christensen
Following this line of inquiry, one discovers what Crowley may have meant in The Book of Thoth by...
To Mega Therion said:
“It seems probable that the Qabalists who invented the Tree of Life were inspired by Pythagoras, or that both he and they derived their knowledge from a common source in higher antiquity. In any case, both schools agree upon one fundamental postulate, which is as follows: Ultimate Reality is best described by Numbers and their interplay.”
-(AC, BoT,31)

see: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=121027&page=2


Mars Invictus

As a matrix for comprehending the relationship between the Golden Ratio & the Octave, as well as a mnemonic for mapping the circle of Fifths (descending clockwise) & circle of Fourths (ascending counter-clockwise) onto the chromatic Scale, the 8th Octahedron (=231) is subdivided between its' 8th & 11th courses (Notes G & A, respectively) when unison is set at Note D. This conforms to the Pythagorean tuning of the chromatic scale that produces the Ionian mode. By placing the Perfect Fifth (3:2) at Note A (Key pitch) and the Perfect Fourth (4:3) at Note G, One subdivides the 13 courses of the 8th Octahedron in accord with the Fibonacci sequence both structurally and astronomically.

To illustrate:
Summing from the first course (or ‘layer’) of the 8th Octahedron, the Perfect Forth (4:3) is set after the 8th course [176 = ∑ (courses 1-8)], while the Perfect Fifth (3:2) is set before the 11th [226 = ∑ (courses 1-11)].

01 = 1
----------0 : C
02 = 5
----------1 : C#
03 = 14
----------2 : D=unison
04 = 30
----------3 : D#
05 = 55
----------4 : E
06 = 91
----------5 : F
07 = 140
----------6 : F#
11 = 176 ☿
------------------------------------Note G = 4:3
09 = 201
----------8 : G#
10 = (216 +1) ♀
------------------------------------Note A = 3:2
08 = (225 +1) ♀
----------10 : A#
12 = 230
----------11 : B
13 = 231

176 = the number of days in Mercury’s 3:2 Spin-Orbit Resonance = 8x22
----------> (4:3) Perfect Fourth

217 = ]+1[ 216 = 6x6x6 = arc degrees between Earth-Venus conjunctions (5:8)
----------> (3:2) Perfect Fifth
226 = ]+1[ 225 = days of Venus orbit (13:8)

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...

This Pythagorean Tuning of the Chromatic Scale is seen as a progression of 11 cycles of Perfect Fifths.
However, 11 perfect Fifths doesn’t fit 7 octaves exactly.

......................7 cups......>>...........
.......7.................XVI ♂.........disks.....
............VII ♋...................................

To compensate, a “Wolf” Interval has been added.
Howling at The Moon until, by rectification, One finds the Hidden Apple...