The Two Towers

Little Baron

I have been looking at this deck for so many years and its so mad how a detail like that completely passes me by. They are very alike, arn't they? Cheers Ros. I will have to look for simularities and differences on this one.

Best wishes



Don't forget to look at the Fool & the Star also. lol
I read your post & looked up & these 2 cards were sitting on my dest. I never noticed them before. Samething, they are different but the same!Wasn't going to send this but I thought oh what the heck.
Have fun,


Hi Yaboot001,

Had another thought about the Moon and the Death card towers. Towers can represent our defenses and both the Death and the Moon can represent letting go (dealing with our demons in the case of the Moon). Perhaps that is another way of interpreting them on both cards?

J :)


I was just about to ask about these towers when I notcied this thread. So heres what I've thought of so far.

In Wicca for certain rituals, like the Esbat of the full moon, the altar is set up in the west and the west is referred to as the Moon Gate. This assocation probably stems from materials Wicca absorbed from european magical lodges like the Order of the Golden Dawn. The sun sets between the two towers thus placing them in the west. I have always disagreed iwth readers who interpreted the sun as beig either setting or rising thus making the Death card entirely about transformation and rebirth. To me the sun is specifically setting and will return after the night has reigned.


My (admittedly uneducated) guess is that they represent a gateway. That would make sense on both Death and The Moon. I tend to see the little lobstery critter as wanting to get beyond those pillars, with the obvious impediment of two high-strung dogs in his way.
Death as a gateway is an ooolllddd notion.


What if the Moon represents a night journey & the Death is a day journey. Moon being that we can pick our illusions.The truth in the sunlight is not alway true in the darklight. That true is true , the light just changes how we view it. So the in the Moon we should take the middle path just because it is a path & mabee grounding through the night. The pillars are both white so when we get through the moonlight, & let go of the issues in the Death card we get to the pillars, both white, so mabee they both mean that it is a spiritual matter or good things will be there for our finding in the end of our day travels or night travels of our mind.Mabee the pillars take us to the next level of understanding when we get through them.Don't know where this came from , just an idea.


Mabee the pillars mean that there is new light on the other side no matter what card they are in.


ros said:
Mabee the pillars mean that there is new light on the other side no matter what card they are in.

Definitely a very positive approach. I still think of it as a long dark night of the soul.

Anyone think of any Tolkien references when considering the Towers?


10 of pentacles

Yes the bridge is the same bridge in the 5 of Cups and the 4 of

Also I always think that the window in the 5 of Coins and the 4 of Swords are different windows but in the same building. To me it says find the way in and you will find rest.

The 2 of wands looks like he is standing on top of the building in the background of the Chariot card, you can even see water behind the Chariot. So that puts the Chariot on the other side of the lake in the 2 of wands. I also think that the same bridge that is in the 5 of Cups and 4 of Wands is also in the 2 of Wands.

To me the towers in the Moon card and the towers in the Death card mean that there will be a time in all of our lives when the illusion of this world will be lifted, and we will see all things as they truly are.

Interesting question.
I am using the RW, Original Rider Waite and the Universal RW to see these things.

I think the scene in the 10 of pentacles happens in the ground floor of the same building we see in the 2 of Wands and in the Chariot.
The trees outside the wall on the right are the same as well and the fabric of the arch's building looks the same too.

Love and joy!


I think the scene in the 10 of pentacles happens in the ground floor of the same building we see in the 2 of Wands and in the Chariot.
The trees outside the wall on the right are the same as well and the fabric of the arch's building looks the same too.

Love and joy!
Oh, yeah good observation Beira thank you.
I love doing this.