The Unconscious Bridge Spread


Re: Understood spread immediately, great help

Ang3343 said:
Hi Flavio
Many thanks for this spread. I understood the cards I received immediately; it's made a lot of things clearer to me.

Glad to read this spread is helping you :)


What a powerful Spread!

Thank you, Flavio, for this fantastic helping spread!

I have struggled with a block for years - literally - and this spread has given me the answer in one sure shot! AMAZING !!

This answer is so powerful that, if I can now only use it in the right way, change it somehow so it is transformed for my good, it WILL change the rest of my whole life. I am 58 years old in July, and I've been suffering from this problem/block ever since I was 6 years old.

So, you can see why I am so excited to have found this thread, and most importantly, your spread.

I can't thank you enough!


This was an interesting and enlightening spread, I really liked the answers/results I got. It was clear and to the point. I LOVE gut/intuition associations with metaphors and imagery, which is why I love doing tarot so much, and leaving cards 3 & 5 open like that was a lot of fun.

I will definitely use this again. I can it working well for artist's/writer's block!

My favorite card was getting the Hierophant in position five which I was surprised to read as "Mentor yourself!" I've passively been looking for a business mentor for a couple months and wasn't really finding what I needed. Turns out I don't really need one!

Thank you for such a clear spread. :)