Tarot with astrology, or Astrology on some cards?


The Invisibles

Why is it so difficult to accept the simple idea that the Tarot has developed as an interface between Qabalah, Astrology and Alchemy?

The blinds and defenses used by initiates of the Western Tradition confound traditional scholarship by utilizing the logic of cipher and riddle, guarding secrets in cryptic emblems, complemented by oral tradition. All I’ve tried to illustrate is that One doesn’t need to join a secret club to figure out how this system works.

I agree there must have been versions of the ciphertext which predate Tarot; and when, exactly, this system merged with the Trionfi is an interesting question. I suspect it was earlier than is generally accepted, if not intended from their inception; and have tried to make the case that historical analysis of Tarot’s origins should be done with knowledge of how the ciphertext works as it may yield information previously overlooked & engender paradigms yet to be conceived. All of which comes into a consideration of how One should regard the imagery of the deck in relation to its correspondences.

I wouldn’t say that my own work is without errors (y=g) as this system presents a method of thought as much as a body of knowledge; and to solve a riddle requires One to follow paths formerly unconsidered or insufficiently explored. Certainly the critiques of others have played a valuable role as they show where fine tuning, improved communication, and more research is required; but I might draw a distinction between meaningful criticism and being told: you’re wrong - get over it, don’t use 7th grade math, you’re misguided & vaguely dopey, your methods are stupid & respectless, etc., etc.

You don’t like my results... Fine. Solve the ciphertext and come up with your own interpretation - lots of people have. You’d be surprised to learn how many... and who. At least then you’re in a position to discuss ‘the system’ from an informed perspective, and thereby evaluate the relevance of its corresponding imagery.


rif said:
I've been wanting to post this for a while, it's something that has been bothering me.

Where do we draw the line between tarot as tarot, and tarot as an extension of astrology?

When we pick up the cards. :)

Sounds flip, but seriously none of these systems (Astrology, QBLH, Numerology, Alchemy, etc) are tarot. They are their own systems. Some concepts dovetail nicely, some are more forced, but I have yet to see any system fit perfectly with tarot.

I can read cards without having a clue about Kaballah, Astrology, Numerology, etc. It just adds to my knowledge to have some information from these other systems as they are an exercise in understanding the world...and so is Tarot in many ways.

I employ knowledge of other systems to add to my information for the cards, not to define the card.

great thread btw :)


Yygdrasilian said:
Why is it so difficult to accept the simple idea that the Tarot has developed as an interface between Qabalah, Astrology and Alchemy?

It's difficult to accept a theory that has virtually no evidence in favor of it.

All kinds of things have been absorbed into the tarot, with greater or lesser success. But that is not reason to think they were intended in the first place. Its just that people like to have pictures of things to aid as mnemonics or heuristic devices.

Alchemy literature is rife with images, so it is not surprising that the tarot could be a vehicle for continuing that tradition. Coincidentally, there are traditionally 22 trumps and 22 Hebrew letters, (out of an actual total of 27), which makes it easy to use the tarot as a vehicle for that type of qabalah as well, (although Greek and Pythagorean 'qabalah' is older, they used more than 22 letters).

As for astrology, this tradition already had images for the various constellations, and long after tarot was created these types of images were incorporated into many decks. So now the emperor of the thoth deck has the Aries rams around him, but the earliest cards show nothing of the sort.

I think its fair to say that tarot has 'developed' as a sponge for these systems, but I see little evidence they were 'intended' in the original design of this card game. What numerical evidence you present has little or nothing to do with the tarot, and everything to do with the hebrew qabalah.


Yygdrasilian said:
I might draw a distinction between meaningful criticism and being told: you’re wrong - get over it, don’t use 7th grade math, you’re misguided & vaguely dopey, your methods are stupid & respectless, etc., etc..
I don't know how to respond to this without resorting to metadiscussion but I'm going to try...

Yyg, the trouble with your endless requests for meaningful criticism is that you ignore ANY and ALL criticism. I'd be better off offering notes on etiquette to a sociopath. The moment someone points to a flaw in your theory, a mistake in your facts, a leap of logic... you cease listening and commence bellowing. You don't want criticism at all. Your theory is Alice in Wonderland logic stem to stern: verdict first, trial after. In truth, there is nothing to criticize. If someone disagrees with your theory (and I stress your, as in, it is espoused only by you and not one other person seems to find the remotest shred of evidence or value in it), you ignore the criticism categorically and return to hinting and doublespeak.

For the record, this is a thread about the role that Astrological symbols play in the utility of a Tarot, specifically the Thoth. You did not post about the topic. What you posted was (yet more) mindless baiting to try and hijack the conversation so you could expound further on a theory that has a single supporter - you - without any concrete evidence to support even the most cursory attention beyond what I characterized kindly as "7th grade" arithmetic games. Yes, I've watched your gematric twiddling, but as RLG and everyone else has observed... to "support" your theory you reach a series of pre-established figures known to you before you started. In school, they call that cheating. Nevertheless, your musings on the secret masters and orbital mysteries and the unwitting gnosis of Angeles Arrien do not belong in this thread.

Now, the reason you reject the criticism is because you cling doggedly to an outmoded style of esoteric inquiry that doesn't stand up to scrutiny: a nineteenth century syncretic pre-Anthropology that has vanished as a method of study; it is, to put it lightly, "vaguely dopey" because it ignores advances in research methods and sources, and the way that subjects are studied by legitimate scholars. It is not enough to say, "It is important because I say so," unless you are in fact important.

Yygdrasilian said:
The blinds and defenses used by initiates of the Western Tradition confound traditional scholarship by utilizing the logic of cipher and riddle, guarding secrets in cryptic emblems, complemented by oral tradition.
NEWSFLASH: there isn't one monolithic Western Tradition that sent initiates skulking across Europe to proselytize. The ooga-booga mystery school of the ancients just isn't an accurate historical picture. Every Mystery cult and secret society WASN'T secretly the same as every other. Everything ISN'T equal to everything else. That is actually the hem of your 19th century preconceptions showing again. Historians though that way a century ago, and made asses of themselves thereby. And the idea of arguing for occult blinds to explain away gaps in a theory went out of fashion about 130 years ago. Speculation is NOT equal to fact, and sometimes speculation betrays more ignorance than imagination. Also, for the record, there is no one QBLH... there are literally infinite approaches because it was "from mouth to ear!" Most damaging to your theory, hermetic Qabalah was not equated with the Golden Dawn model until very recently. And secret masters didn't need to communicate "cryptic" orbital mysteries: precession of the equinoxes and the spherical earth were written about openly. Research into the "mysteries of ancient astronomy" and the evolution of astrology have seen massive progress in the past 3 decades. We have hard physical evidence of Hellenistic mechanical computing used to determine planetary position. Oh, and serious academics stopped trying to figure out the calendar date of Yeshua ben Notsri's birth in the nineteenth century, because the attempt would be literally stupid: that isn't how religions or mythology work. But all of that is tangential and didn't belong in this thread until you dragged the dead horse in.

Now again, the topic of the thread is whether we should or shouldn't be able to read with cards comprised solely of astrological symbols... whether depictions are even necessary to produce a Tarot. Is there a reason why we need more than pure symbols to read effectively? The topic is NOT the all-systems-are-one nonsense and certainly not your fictional "ciphertext." Above, you made a highly speculative comment, which I identified as such. Tarot is NOT equal to Astrology which is NOT equal to Qabalah. In my opinion, saying that betrays both a deep misunderstanding and a shallow grasp of those disciplines. None of these topics are monolithic and seamless and simplistic; their histories cover thousands and thousands of years and miles... How COULD they be uniform? What manner of investigation could lead you to such a indefensible position? Why would anyone who had gotten further than a dictionary entry think they are?! For that matter, they didn't spring up fully formed in a vacuum and they are rife with contradictions and factions, all of them. If your fictional Western Mystery tradition could have existed as you imagine it, they did a pretty crappy job! Opinion aside, suggesting that isn't just misleading, it is wrong. The statement, not you. I don't know you; I can't judge you, but I can judge your statement and I will: Misguided. Dopey. Silly. Bizarre. Wrong.

Apparently this is a basic rule of conversation of which you remain unaware: It is irresponsible to present speculation as fact. For you to repeat and repeat and repeat the same invented "evidence" without permiting even basic criticism, for you to repeat and repeat and repeat the same juvenile numerical and constellated Dan-Brown style "proof" ALL OVER this forum without once allowing any kind substantive discussion of the vast, gaping, ragged holes in your "theory," without once participating in a discussion that you don't steer towards proclaiming said theory, is (again to put it kindly) "misguided." That isn't personal or insulting, that is a neutral, factual observation. Yours is a pattern of behavior that beggars patience and belief.

Yygdrasilian said:
You don’t like my results... Fine. Solve the ciphertext and come up with your own interpretation - lots of people have.
Again, NOT the topic of this thread: Astrological symbol in Tarot. This is another hijack attempt. The discussion of astrological symbols might superficially SEEM to be tangentially connected to a discussion of the unified tradition of astrology and Qabalah and Tarot, but let's call it like it is: only if we all want to discuss your theory. And as you might have noticed: most people don't, the vast majority don't, in fact I can't think of anyone who has discussed your theory for longer than 3 days without giving up in impatient disgust.

Here's the thing, and I don't know how to say this any other way: There is no "ciphertext" outside of your own theorizing. It (along with the name you gave it) is a fabrication of your own devising. You have no "results" to be liked or disliked by anyone. No one has any interest in "solving" anything because your theory is smoke and cobwebs. You cannot point to a single other hard source to support your theory. If there is a single human on the planet who has knowingly contributed to, even agreed with, your theory, I have never heard you mention them or seen a single concrete example. Not just now but EVER! In all these thousands of years that people have been looking at the Sky to find magic, or thinking about the Creation of the World by Words, or even playing a trick-taking game with allegorical cards and turning it into divination... exactly ZERO people have written or spoken along these lines. Not even uber-fluffwit Angeles Arrien, who unknowingly provided material you felt was worth coopting. Through all the millenia, there isn't a single person you can point to in support; no scholars with access to the sources-ideas-grants under publish-or-perish pressure... no wacky esoteric whiz-kids or charlatans looking to bilk the punters or hardcore necromancers... No novelists, no painters, no theologians, no librarians... NO ONE. The thing is, Yyg, if everyone with whom you discuss your theory finds fault with it, if not a single piece of evidence exists that isn't a "blind" or a "puzzle" or a "code" to which only you have the key, then maybe (*gasp*), just maybe, you are, as you say above: Wrong.

But whether you are or not: it is not the topic of this thread. I genuinely hope the mods don't clip this because somewhere, someone has to speak up. I can't figure out how to phrase this discussion in a way that makes it germane because NOTHING you are saying is germane to the topic of Symbols and the role they play in a readable Tarot, except that your above statement and the subsequent complaint/defense needs to be addressed objectively, as RLG has above me. When people stumble across this thread later, it is important that groundless speculations don't float like amputated limbs to mislead the innocent, the eager, and the doomed merely because the people reading the twaddle are simply too bored to post a rebuttal.

This isn't an attack. It isn't personal. It is in fact, disrespectful for you to insist that every conversation revolve around your idiosyncratic, unsupported, intellectually empty obsessions, especially when the moment someone is actually foolish enough to enter the discussion, you will admit neither your errors nor their logic. But you keep talking to yourself in tangential circles and shouting for everyone to come watch you doing it. Instead I, like most people, have no choice but to click IGNORE, which means you have achieved the exact opposite of your intention: to get someone to give audience to a speculative one-man band with one song and no instruments.

And for the record: that IS stupid.


Moderator Note

Scion said:
I genuinely hope the mods don't clip this because somewhere, someone has to speak up.

I'm not going to clip this conversation, but I do think a change of venue is needed. This thread is about:
rif said:
Where do we draw the line between tarot as tarot, and tarot as an extension of astrology?

From Rif's question, it seems this thread should be focussed on reading and study techniques, rather than a developmental discussion. Any possibility of an intent in the design of tarot to interface between various other systems is only very loosely related and better discussed in threads related to that topic specifically.
Merry X-Mas Mr Crowley
Apple's Anyone
Yygdrasilian's Theory

Please take any further discussion to one of these venues. Thanks everyone :)


More than just a pretty face...

My apologies for misReading the 'Question'...
rif said:
Where do we draw the line between tarot as tarot, and tarot as an extension of astrology?

....Then where do we fit in Qabalah?

....But really, if the correspondences define the cards, why not just go directly to the correspondences?

...Then I happened across this quote from Pat Zaliewski...
...It presupposes that a deck is designed in a coherent fashion to have harmonious meanings, and puts the focus back on the cards images, rather than the correspondences.

So has anyone else felt this way? Am I over-reacting? Does everyone talk about astrology here but focus on the card images when reading?

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this.


Yygdrasilian said:
My apologies for misReading the 'Question'...

apology accepted... Everyone makes a mistake some time


rif said:
One day I realized something that was bothering me: I felt like the cards were treated an extension of astrology in this system. Or at least that's what I feel when participating in Aeclectic forums. Is the 2 of Wands the deuce of the Wand suit, or is it Mars in Aries? Sometimes I think people see it as the latter more than the former.

I don't think its true that the card is primarily about the astrology, or that its primarily about the image, or any other component. Its a blending of all of those things. Certainly with the minors the astrology is a much stronger part of the meaning for me, than with the majors. But not the whole thing.

It may also depend on how your using the card. In study and discussion I focus a lot more on the astrology, which I think is reflected in posts here. In divination the image is more important, but what part of that image is most important will vary from reading to reading and I don't find as much value in discussing that on a forum. In a reading the correspondances are primarily of importance to me when finding relationships between the cards or assessing dignities. It will tell me what cards or aspects of a card I will focus on in interpretation. I guess in a way I'm agreeing with Scion's opinion that one thing does not equal another, but I personally find the sympathy between things useful in understanding how the parts relate. Maybe I approach the tarot similiarly to astrology, but without the benefit of a chart for assessing time and location, I fall more heavily on dignities. But the dignities shape the card, they don't define it.


similia said:
I don't think its true that the card is primarily about the astrology, or that its primarily about the image, or any other component. Its a blending of all of those things.
And that's how I feel it should be.

It may also depend on how your using the card. In study and discussion I focus a lot more on the astrology, which I think is reflected in posts here.
That's what prompted my question. I felt like people were considering the minors as "just" a planet-in-sign. I got caught up in that myself. You're right, it's a good subject for study and discussion, and that is what shows up on forums.

In divination the image is more important, but what part of that image is most important will vary from reading to reading and I don't find as much value in discussing that on a forum.
Good point. Myself, I got caught up in the "systems" and started to neglect the images.

I wasn't trying to say that correspondences lack value, or aren't needed. I use them myself. I just got frustrated with the seeming treatment of minors as planet-in-sign, ignoring any other aspects, but that's just a side-effect of study and discussion, as you say. I'm over it by now anyway. :)

But I am glad to hear that people still look at the cards' pictures, and I am remembering to do that myself. :D

Thanks for everyone's thoughts.


To the original question: The line is not drawn based on the entire system of tarot. It's drawn on a deck-by-deck basis, because not all decks are the same. Some decks may confine themselves to strict pictorial representations of the subject matter, some may branch far out into other domains.

Take the Tarot de Marseille. Basic images on the card with no real connection to any astrological, alchemical, or qabalistic influences. Then take Rider-Waite. Definitely some amount of influence from these systems, but it's hard to see in some places. Then take Thoth. Crowley and Harris make connections to just about any symbol they can think of. The Fool, for example, has yellow boots and green clothes, Atziluth and Yetzirah respectfully.

Even though some tarot decks utilize various systems to a heavy degree, the understanding of these systems is not vital to the understanding of the tarot. You could (probably) read Thoth tarot for decades without studying qabalah or astronomy or any other system and still be successful with it, because you're still utilizing the system of tarot itself. But the power of the Thoth deck comes from the extension of qabalah et al.

Either way, you still need a solid understanding of tarot regardless of whether or not you choose to incorporate any other system into your divination: alchemy, qabalah, astrology, I Ching, dousing, tea leaf reading, or even your grandpa's trick knee that can feel the rain coming on.

My advice is learn the cards first, then learn any systems you feel relevant.