Devil & the World Repeated in relationship readings


Hi, I've been reading threads on here for a decade, but this is my first post. I have had the Devil and the World come up in every spread I have done about a particular man. I believe I'm up to six now. And I am really lost trying to interpret this. To give some context, the moment I first locked eyes with him I thought, "I know you." That was a year and a half ago, and I was not in the mood, so I did a reading (first instance) but have mostly avoided him since then. But we finally had breakfast yesterday. I was feeling very nervous and did two readings beforehand. (fourth and fifth instance--a four and a six card reading). And I did a six-card one afterwards (sixth instance.)

This is probably more than the Devil Card has come up in my self-readings in more than twenty years. When it has, it's pointed to codependency in a relationship or to disowned parts of myself. When I've drawn it for other people its meant kinky sex and/or shadow material. I have completely different associations with The World. Soul mates. Two whole people coming to a relationship. Relationship endings.

The best I can do to put them together in this situation is a Karmic connection that will dredge up disowned material and heal it? I would love other thoughts.


Sounds like either your interpretation is dead on, or maybe you need to deal with some shadow material before you can get to that soul mates stage... or maybe it'll mean kinky sex as a means to deal with shadow material


Thanks MadeiraDarling. That could be, but the thing that I think may be flummoxing me is that the man in question is quite gay. So I'm not even sure what the nature of our relationship would/will be.


Maybe he'll introduce you to someone? Alternatively, maybe there's some sort of soulmate bond that's also one that could bring out your dark side if not carefully watched


Well, I definitely find him intriguing and unsettling.


You didn't say what the other cards were or what the placement of these cards was, but just those two together sounds like it's a relationship that would open up your horizons, but might also either open up some old wounds for you both or that there's something going on 'underneath' that might not be healthy for one or the both of you. Or the cards are reflecting what seems to be a lot of anxiety and unsettled feelings you have about him.

On the plus side, if he's very solidly gay, that does take sex/romance out of the equation. Or maybe he's not as gay as he seems and that's your Devil.

I'd say proceed, but with caution. Stop asking the cards about him for a bit. See if that unsettling feeling is from him or the repeated readings that keep pulling those cards.


Barefootlife, that sounds likely. I have had a novel that I have avoided finishing for years because it is soundly about violence and sex. That book scares me. But I have avoided finishing other things, as well. I learned when we went out that he also has a pattern of unfinished things. I suspect that we might both have a need to break something open.


My very first intuitive flash when I envisioned the Devil and the World together was the Devil grinning and saying "Welcome to my world!" In other words, a big, red caution flag. The Devil and the World share a connection to Saturn, which is the Great Teacher and the Task-master.


[...] the thing that I think may be flummoxing me is that the man in question is quite gay. So I'm not even sure what the nature of our relationship would/will be.
The World can appear when someone has certain qualities that we find very attractive -- a person whom we may be viewing in a highly idealized sort of way. Perhaps he is quite a physical specimen and/or seemingly very accomplished, witty, charming, graceful, popular... He may seem to be the Perfect Man, at least in some respects, and understandably someone with whom you would wish to be closer; there may even be a feeling that by doing so, his admired traits or apparent perks could "rub off" and become yours to enjoy, as well.

Combined with the Devil and your gaydar/intuition that he prefers men over women sexually, you may be headed for a painful inner struggle of desirous attachment that is destined to go unfulfilled. Though you might at some point become intimately involved -- depending upon circumstances and where he actually draws his "gender preference" line -- he may never be able to reciprocate as deeply as you'd wind up needing/burning for, even if he did in fact care for you on other levels... Potentially, a very difficult, at worst, tormenting situation (and not an uncommon one).


Wow. This is a very different experience when I am lurking vs. when I am being responded to!

Barleywine: I wouldn't be surprised by your interpretation. I have five planets in Sagg and Saturn has been touring there for the past two years, so lessons seem to be the order of the day. (They are all in the seventh house, btw.)

And IndigoWaves, that sounds likely, as well. He is very well-read and thoughtful. One of the few people I've met who I can carry on a deep, philosophical conversation. That's something I really value. I wouldn't be surprised by the other part, either. I have a history of something that I have trouble articulating. Every woman I have ever been with, for instance, is straight. And I don't identify as trans (in fact, right now I am quite feminine looking) but I always seem to be a little off of center/expectations. And I find many of my relationships end up bringing up issues of want/desire/friendship/intimacy that relate to gender in some way. Or I am attracted to people who have some block in these areas or I want something they can't give.