7 Chakra spread


Been thinking about a thread recently in spirituality about 'what are chakras' and then came upon a past thread about a chakra spread that helps discover what the state of one's chakras are in www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=23823&page=2&pp=10. It is a lovely spread and so easy to do, but HARD to interprete for oneself!!

I used the spread and got:
Red/root The Empress
Orange/sacral Knight of swords
Yellow/solar Eight Swords
Green/heart Six wands rx
Blue/throat Queen sword rx
Indigo/brow/thrid eye five wands
Violet/Crown King wands

Even though the spread is supposed to be read with reversals, I don't normally use them myself -and I feel like this spread could be read with or without them. Any ideas anyone?
I have a basic knowledge of the chakras and what it means if each is open or blocked, but it's so hard to read for oneself, I'm pretty sure the third eye chakra is to do with trying real hard (too hard being a relative newbie at this) to connect psychically and reaching psychic fatigue levels. The Empress fits with the red/root chakra as I do feel very grounded and am more and more involved with animals, nature, food growing -all of which I understand is about our root chakra being open and flowing so we manifest our human right to not only exist but to experience the earthly realm in all it's physicality. Does anyone have any insight into what the state of the other chakras are based on these cards? Or have any corrections to my interpretations so far?


I'll give this a quick go - pending the adding of your own take on these cards ;)

nelsleep said:
Red/root The Empress
Orange/sacral Knight of swords
Yellow/solar Eight Swords
Green/heart Six wands rx
Blue/throat Queen sword rx
Indigo/brow/thrid eye five wands
Violet/Crown King wands

First Chakra:

The Empress

I'd say you're a rather earthy person, closely linked to the incarnation, earth and matter, and quite in tune with natural rythms.

Second Chakra:

Knight of Swords

You're ready to defend your territory rather impulsively - you set boundaries first, ask for explanations later. This can mean that sometimes you put people off - you might not trust them very much and show it.
You also are quick to discard and/or judge that which you don't know and maybe are cheating yourself out of unecpected pleasures this way!

Third chakra:

8 of Swords

Somehow not surprising, with the Knight defending your boundaries, that you end up surrounded with swords and feel you cannot really be yourself. With being a tad distrustful, you won't show your real self, but you also block yourself for new developments.

Fourth Chakra

6 of wands (rx)

Upright, I think this could mean you thrive by other people confirming you - needing the confirmation of others to be able to believe in yourself.

Rx (I don't really read reversals), i get the idea that you still need this confirmation, but you don't openly seek it - you might have a tendency to put yourself down and to consider yourself unimportant. Others are more important, their ideas more valide, their needs more pressing than yours.

Fifth Chakra

Queen of Swords (rx)

Kinda ties in with the Knight on 2nd. You have a sharp tongue, but it might be bound or limited by the 6 wands rx.
Meaning you don't always say what you really think...

Sixth Chakra

5 of Wands

hehe interesting!
I'd say here's a battle between mind, intuition, gut feelings, emotions and reason. And intuition is the one that gets hit, you don't really trust it, but can't deny it's there. You might also be afraid of it...

Seventh Chakra

King of Wands

Ah, Father figure, authorities are men with long sticks that can bear down on you to punish at any moment? (Like a god figure ready to smite you)

Usually you do believe the authorities when they tell you things, and you see them as absolute (more or less) authority. Maybe it has crossed your mind to doubt them - but you never went far down that line because of fear of punishment?

The general theme here seems to be authority from the outside instead of the inside...

* * *

Makes any sense? ;)

Amanda B

I think reversals could be helpful

in a chakra reading. The reversal can indicate a blockage. This has been useful for me!

All the best,


my attempt on this spread

I have been through quite a bit of personal transformation the last six months or so, and what you describe Simone, hits home for what I sensed the 'blueprint of me' was like, but perhaps old entrained patterns are hard to kick so I better take a good loong look at myself again. I am a little worried that I wanted to be where I am not really at? For example the authority figure and being ruled from outside rather than in is soooo true for so much of my life so far, except as mentioned a few olnths back I had a bit of an epihany about exactly how much personal power one can hold... lots! And since then have tried hard to live my new reality. Perhaps it takes a bit to filter down through our bodies to the chakra level? But perhaps I am not doing as well with my personal growth as I thought, food for lots of thought ! Thanks, I will definitely be using this spread personally and for others if the need arises, on a regular basis. I view it as a sort of a 'health check' not needing to be done every day, but every few months or so!

Now my take on all the cards, mmmm, just instinctually I had:

Empress/root -as mentioned before, the link to mother earth, and incarnation is strong, and yes I tune into the moon, stars, especially plaedian and arcturian systems.

Knight of swords/sacral usually when I get this card it means speedy travel, or a day of rushing around from here to there, but I get the feeling that associated with the sacral it is alluding to creativity of life events - specifically of the fact that life events are opening up so fast, and many directions are being offered to take up different forms of work and play.

8 swords/solar -I feel this is the bit where I wanted to be/thought I might be... and where my chakra is currently at is out of synch. I am finding it difficult to define myself and not to fall back into old societal patterns, of being a female (brought up rurally) in traditional female roles so I am sitting still at this chakra point.

6 wands/heart -I can feel my heart chakra is soooo open and I love to give and receive love/light by being in service to others where possible, but are actions from my heart chakra still tied up with an old need I thought I had conquered, the need for acceptance by others.

Queen Swords/Throat -my expression is not entirely what I would really like to say. Sometimes it is ruled by the negative polarity -particularly when dealing with loved ones when you feel it is safe to 'get sharp' with them; and it is limited also by 8 swords/solar (as well as 6 wands/heart) as if I struggle to define who I am and to not worry about acceptance by others, how can I express my true expressions, from my true self.

5 wands/brow -Definitely agreed with you Simone!

King Wands/crown -usually when this fellow comes up it is referring to my beloved (cantankerous) partner! (He epitomises King Wands scarily!) But although he would LIKE to have things all his way, that aint' gonna happen!
...My crown is overactive, as it stands to reason if the other chakras are not open and flowing then there will be overcompensation for this fact by one of the chakras. The crown will be balanced in time if I work on the others.

Thanks for the chance to view this spread from other eyes, and also from someone who has the experience with it!