how do you...?


when you do a reading, do you tend to ask questions to the querent regarding the info you are reading on the cards? o rdo you just read the cards and if they have a question go from there?

I ask because i had a reading done a few weeks ago by a woman downtown in my city. she read for me but kept asking questions to "confirm" whether the info was right or not, whether there was this or that person inmy life etc etc. that kind of put me off somehow.

any input?
how do you use your cards for readings, especiallypublic ones?


I think a back and forth conversation is paramount to getting the most out of a face-to-face reading. So, yes, questions asked of the querent are important. It's her reading, and you just want to give her the most and best information you can, with her as an integral part of the process.


Umbrae, for one, will tell you that a reading is a dialogue, not a monologue. It's really true that a reading is supposed to be a dialogue at its best. But there are people who come for a reading who don't do anything but sit there quietly, so some readers will ask questions like your reader did. It might just mean that your reader didn't have any great finesse in drawing you into active participation in the reading. Or it might have meant that you thought a reader was just supposed to read without any input from the sitter. Maybe it was something in between. Did you offer any active input on your own during her reading?


Personally, I view a tarot reading as a conversation. Then again, I don't view the cards (or reader) as having some sort of psychic ability that needs to be demonstrated by "flying solo". Those claiming psychic ability should be put to the test, but a reader can still be a "good reader" without the ability to predict outcomes or find lost items. To appreciate the talents of a "good reader" that is not psychic, you will have to alter your expectations away from the Hollywood "tall dark stranger" readings to something more akin to (but not identical to) a therapy session.




thanks for the input.
i guess what i meant to say is that i was put off by the LOAD of questions this 'reader' was asking to confirm or change her input depending on my answers. SHe was pretty Off with the reading but kept accommodating her answers to the questions and vice versa. the reading just didn't make it for me.

when i read i do give input and the querent too, so e engage in a conversation of sorts. I do engage in a conversation of sorts with the person reading for me or that i am reading for. I've also had experiences where the querent wants me to give specific such as names, ages, addresses etc!! THAT I do NOT do! i had to tell a person i was reading for that it doesn't work like that. however, she was adamant that i was "suppossed" to be a psichic so i "should" know these things/ well, long story short i told her I was no Psychic of that kind. i am an intuitive reader.

I hope i explained what meant by the previous post.



I, too, feel that a good reading becomes a may not start out that way...but rarely am I too far into the reading, before most of my sitters join in...asking their own questions. I may then ask them what they see in a card....we dialogue.

Lyric is right, though. Some people will just sit and listen. I had one who took notes, which I offer as an option ..she was my most difficult sitter, one I wanted to cancel since she made so many calls before the reading with endless questions. I have others who take no notes, ask little, interact some...but most of my sitters and I have had a lovely dialogue, an interactive reading that really applied to the questions or topic.

I don't force things with note-taking and I don't push them to interact early on...but as we move forward, I seem to be able to draw the sitter out and in....and really is quite lovely!

She did take notes, since I wanted her to participate somehow...and I wouldn't let her tape it....I really had no clue as to how things struck her...but one year later, she called and told me she did almost all of what I talked about....and that she was so happy she did and could she set up another reading for her birthday date.


One reader I went to, when I told him I read cards as well, since I didn't want to be coy or play games...I just wanted his guidance....he told me to please keep quiet and let him read the cards....and within five minutes he started asking me what I thought about what he was saying and within 10 minutes we were interacting and both of us seemed comfortable. It was a great reading and I think he was also pleased with how it went when he realized I was there for a reading, not there to "test him out."


I think it depends on the questions you was asked while you had your reading.

While reading face to face let say the devil came up. I would ask first if they could take capricorn as a person - if not - could the take the capricorn time period ie as an aniversary, special occasion - if not I would read the card.

While doing email readings I usually go with the flow but I have had to send an email occasionaly to double check I'm on the right path.

Cards usually have a couple of meanings but I've never needed to know too much detail.


There is really no reason for a reader to seek personal information...names, ages, addresses....I do ask the birthday (when I remember)...but not the year of I don't know the age, but I can use the birthday in sorting out a year that the querent is currently experiencing...otherwise, I would be cautious about any reader who wants any personal information.

If they are willing to answer questions for you after a reading, they will often give you a contact number. I do that...they have my card with my contact number and e-mail address.

If they have a sign-up book for you to sign your name, in case they have mailings...that is optional for you anyhow, as it would be at any place that offers to send things to you..notices, for example.
