10 cups and lovers combo


is there any signifigance of these two drawn together? i asked a question, pulled 10 cups and pulled the next for clarification and this came up...to me it is fulfillment of love....anyone else have a better clarification on this? or do the two together mean something different? i used the RW today.

The crowned one

What was the specific question. For Example I could see it as an illusion of love brought on by your own "vision" of what you think you have: perceived perfection and blinded to actuals faults and problems due to too much cup and not enough sword or pentacles.10's can be a bit over the top you know, and toss in lovers...look out. Just to play a bit of }) advocate.


I'd second TCO, albeit warily. It does depend on the question, of course, but it's almost "too good to be true", isn't it? Yes, that 10 being a bit OTT with the extremity of the Lovers . . .

Mind you, if the querent was an anti-settling-down, never-having-kids, I-don't-need-anyone type (hello, Kat? That's you!) then maybe it'd be a bit of a wakeup call to allow a different view of life a look in, you know?

\m/ Kat


this is the ??

i asked what is the situation between me and _________

i also asked a few hours ago what ___ feels for me and got the lovers

this is very very odd because i asked 2 different times, 2 different questions

and i should add the page of cups fell out during the 1 st time


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my interpert

was a choice to be made and fullfillment...says it in my original post


tryingtoreadtarot said:
i asked what is the situation between me and _________

i also asked a few hours ago what ___ feels for me and got the lovers

this is very very odd because i asked 2 different times, 2 different questions

and i should add the page of cups fell out during the 1 st time

Is this someone you've had/are having a relationship with? Context is everything. You obviously care for this person and it shows in the cards. Without knowing whether this is a current relationship, past relationship, or hoped for future relationship, it is hard to pinpoint the message of the Lovers (at least for me).
I wouldn't say that these are "too good to be true" unless you are in love with a happily married billionnaire while you work at the local Walmart. :D


It all looks very romantic to me.



this is about a relationship i would like to have.

The crowned one

tryingtoreadtarot said:
this is about a relationship i would like to have.
That comes through in your cards. ;)