Hallowquest Lesson Nine - the Sword Knight, Sword Four and Five


Lesson Nine Questions

1. Which deeply-seated fears need the fearless action of the Sword Knight?

2. In which areas of your life do you need to be more adaptable?

3. What lies imprisoned within you?

4. Which part of yourself is undernourished?

5. How are you sabotaging your own life right now? Look at the areas of untidy of sloppy thinking/planning/organisation. How can you sharpen up your act?

6. Who or what do you blame when things go wrong? Objectively assess why you blame and what lies at the root of troubles you may be currently facing.

Also this week, a task and a meditaion.


Pathwalker's questions lesson nine + task

Lesson Nine Questions

1. Which deeply-seated fears need the fearless action of the Sword Knight?

- I think I fear being told off by people, being made to feel like a naughty child again. Like I'm not good enough, like I don't make the grade; even thoguh I don't think I ever understood the how or why of the situation.
Loooking back now, I don't think I could ever have "done it right". Just by being, I was in the wrong (not by being the child I was, but by being in their situation). The adult in me tries to rationalise this - but the child in me fears the anger, the blame, the helpless confusion of not being able to keep to rules you don't know.
So I keep people away - what doesn't get near you can't hurt you. But I fear you miss something that way - for there is a void.
So I need to be able to face emotional hurt, and know I will find a way through it? That's a tough lesson.

2. In which areas of your life do you need to be more adaptable?

-"Adaptable" seems like a strange word , a strange concept to use here. I read it as being 'changable to a different situation, a differnt use'. And I don't really see how it applies. As a wife and mother I think I am prety adaptable. Am I missing something?
LATER - Maybe! I am quite fond of rules, and then sticking to them. Presumably to be in control, and not the confused child always in the wrong from the previous question.
So maybe I could do with being more relaxed. flexible, spontaneous.

3. What lies imprisoned within you?

- Anger and pain. The unfairness of it all. The lack of the parent I needed. The unresolved angst (which only I can change, I can see that). The child who had needs, and much to learn, pushed out, critisied, compared and always found lacking :(
??? Does this mean there's a woman (goddess) of poise and compassion, with calm gentleness and uncritical everlasting love, held behind the bars of pain and rage? I believe so, and I want to free her.

4. Which part of yourself is undernourished?

- My heart. No-one truly feeds my heart, and my sense of worth and wonderfulness.
***Here is what's missing - she died without ever really giving me her approval, or an acknowledgement of wrong, or an apology for sadness caused. So I feel wrong and wronged, and in search of satisfaction all the time (from outside myself). It will never be outside myself will it, only within is it found.

5. How are you sabotaging your own life right now? Look at the areas of untidy of sloppy thinking/planning/organisation. How can you sharpen up your act?

- I'm not always very good at sticking to a task I've started. I get up and wander away, do several things at once, don't start things I should do. I lack aim somehow, determination, focus.
I guess a really strong plan/timetable/to-do list might help, written oin the morning, to help me focus on doing tasks I need to get done.

6. Who or what do you blame when things go wrong? Objectively assess why you blame and what lies at the root of troubles you may be currently facing.

- The child in me blames others. I want to see myself as blameless, because I KNEW (then) that no-one else would take my side - not siblings, not a parent or grandparent, no one.
Now it's an ingrained habit (needs scrubbing, like dirt from gardening) and I try to be 'right' always.There is such pomposity of my own view point there too - the "always right" attitude (of father) and the "better than everyone else" attitude, also father.
My current "trouble" is a deep sadness (a certain time of year/event). I need to see that "I" am what I need - not someone who is gone.

--- This has been a really searching set of questions, and I see myself still laying blame at other's doors! But now I simply understand those things as causes for behaviour patterns that have taken root in me - and that the solution to all the unhelpful patterns is within me - whether the folks concerned are alive or dead. It was never within their power to change my adult behaviours and thought patterns, that was childish thinking on my part.


The taks for this week was a period of rest! And you know it's hard to know what to do with rest, if you don't fall asleep. I'm so used to being active, reading or knitting or whathaveyou even if I'm sitting still, that just being awake and non-active wa odd.
I think it was partly to let some of the insights which may have come from the questions sink in more thoroughly, or to give you time to consider what you might need. It was pleasant, and I used a crystal during some of the time too.


Pathwalker's meditation

The meditation subject is set in the text for week nine; we are encouraged to travel and learn within that framework.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I crossed the bridge to the forest where I met the White Hart. But I leave this place, to travel to darker woods, where paths are overgrown.
I come to the place where the Sword Knight awaits me on horseback.
"Hail, Sword Knight" I say with a bow.
"Hail Quester" he replies.
He gives me a hand, and I mount behind him and we begin the journey to the place of pledge. He asks me how I'm finding the Quest? Strange, I tell him. And a struggle. He nods. He doesn't really offer any comfort or advice, just acknowledges my reality.
As we journey he offers me food and drink. The drink is fruit and flowers somehow, and refreshing. The food is sweet and chewy. We travel on.
At last we are standing on a hilltop, facing the rising sun. He holds the Sword aloft, and I place my hand on the hilt too. I make a pledge he gives me, to quest for, and follow, the Hallows, and to wield the Sword with truth and gentleness.
Afterwards, we sit by a pool and he dips a drink for me. I say I thought it was a sacred pool - he tells me it (the water) is for all who quest. I'm also allowed to take a posy of flowers, beautiful ethereal, but also a vital part of all life's quest to go on. [Flowers have a special symbolic signifigance for me in inner journeying; although I'm not sure I fully understand it yet!]
We travel down the hill to the Chapel of the Vigil. I ask about it - it is a place where any can come, to contact the 'beyond' he says. I find it a clean, whitewashed place, with a huge mirror on the wall.

I see myself, against the hugeness of a night sky, stars, the vast blueness of space.
I speak things that I think, or that trouble me, and the true, cutting answers come to me as I see the sky behind me, and myself a tiny but vital part.
I leave the flowers there, at the foot of the mirror.

We travel to the village that was, where Sword Five is.
"This is what happens where there is truth with no gentleness, no rememberance of how small we each are, how many ways there are".
I see that this place and time is now destryed, cannot be repaired or called back. The people have moved on. But things could be swept clean, restored to a brightness and freshness that could allow others to come in. Clean away any carcass of before, make it clean,let something completely new and different be built and flourish here.

I return to my place, and think I may find a red glass flower to add to the bag.

LATER - it occurs to me that I should have taken flowers [new seeds] to the place that was devastated - this is one of the reasons for having been given flowers so often in my journeys.
To re-seed, to create again, to repair.