Baroque Bohemian Cats Study Group -- The Magician


Such a wise old owl of a cat. The first two cats in the deck are both tortoishells, potentially females in the role of a male figure, though this Persian male really is a male in real life. He sure looks like a great horned owl too, including the beak.

He stands in front of steps going back to a fenced off chamber, flanked by heavy curtains. Does the High Priestess reside behind there? You need to unlock the doors first to get to her? She herself is outside, in the open at sunset, but flanked by pillars (the Temple of Solomon had their holy area outdoors, you reached it through the building & past the paired columns). Well, he can't get into the back chamber yet, the ironwork is barring him from that area. (Similar ironwork is on the Hierophant card too--did you notice?) So he performs his magic in front of the chamber and puts on his own show.

Appearance is everything! He's dressed to the gills with velvet, silk and brochade. His fancy tools are all laid out & he has his golden flowers raised high--but can you see his fingers? Like all true magicians he's great at sleight of hand and can make you see what you think you see, not what is necessarily reality. He's there for the show, to give you your money's worth. You're paying for this, right?

The mask, it's on the table but he can put it on at a moment's notice, it's designed to go with his fluffy fur and blend right in, hiding his identity yet still be himself behind it. See the spectacles outlining the eyeholes? See his own fur spectacles? Is he making a spectacle of himself? We should look to see if we're getting a song and dance out of him. Those black and gold fish tablelegs sure look like they're giving us a belly dance shimmy. Enjoy the show! It's all a game after all, see the checkerboard on the table? Pay attention or you'll be checkmated before you know it.


To me, this magician evoque Houdini. Master of illusion. Master in tricking the eyes. Makes me also remember a teacher/school director who was a part time and popular clown in my area. Sometimes he was doing cards tricks in the classroom.

This magician seems to do a magic show. Is it to impress? Is it a rehearsal? In any case, he seems to be sure of himself. Everything is under control.


The look on this cats's face!

Look at his face... this cat has his eye on everyone- he knows exactly what everyone is thinking of him, not that he cares. He just knows. He is very concerned with his own image, not about anyone else. I know there's no audience pictured in this card, but the gaze looks straight out at you, making you the audience. Yes, he may well be trying to fool you, or at least make you think he's pretty important. The clothes show this too- he is completely concerned with self-image. He may or may not have any skills, but knows how to make you think he does.
That said, he does know how to make people think and do what he wants them to think and do. He is very capable of that. When he needs something, he can find a way to get it. It may involve coercing or convincing people- but he knows how to work the system, or talk to the right people. And if he doesn't already know, he will keep trying till he figures it out, and probably all the while giving everyone that snarfy look! ;)


Snarfy look! Perfect!

I was having trouble with this card--he seemed so wise and off-putting, more like a Hierophant. But then I realized that I was conned! That's his game! He's a showman! Tricky Magician.


I love how the right eye on the mask is squinted, as if it's winking at the audience! LOL