'Blind' reading


It sounds like you feel manipulated and used.

Maybe. it sounds like that, but I dont feel that. I still stand by my choice to offer a client sharing of specifics or keep it 'general' and they can work the specifics.

As i said, this one was over my line. its a specific urk! of mine.

what led you to be lenient towards him this time? (not judging, but is helpful to reflect on what you were thinking, feeling, so won't fall there again) .

Sorry, I dont understand your question... lenient ? this time ? I didnt know before. I treated him the same way as others when I have only head the story second hand and when one side first-hand had the opportunity, they didnt really say much at all.

If anything I am less 'lenient' about this issue than I have been before.

Were you just tired? How do other people handle this? how do you tell when to give or not give a reading? gut feelings?

Not tired, I wouldnt have done it otherwise. Yes ... 'gut feelings'.

how can we protect ourselves from not being pulled into someone else's mind games, that are abusive in nature. what sort of questions could one ask to ferret out underlying motives?

I wouldnt do that, I dont ferret in a reading, I leave it up to the client.

This is a tough issue, thank you for bringing it up. some folks are adept at manipulating, using people for selfish reasons. We all have blind spots. or get tired, etc.

I dont feel manipulated. I offered with my conditions and he accepted them, I dont feel he was manipulating, really ... I do understand (now) the dynamic he was enacting, maybe even not consciously ( I have no trouble reading that stuff ... but this isnt the place to go into that ) .


I like what Jesus said about forgiveness.

"They know not what they do."

Yes! That was more what I mean .... he did what he did ( and again, within my offered options) but the underlying actions and later responses is from his programme.

To put it another way, his conscious ego 'Knows not what he does' .... but humans dont run wholly on conscious ego . WE get caught up in all sorts of 'distractions' and justifications so that we humm happily and carry on ... whilst committing atrocities. . . . in many more ways than we realise !

Holly doll

I'm not sure what you mean by the modern day court system...

It is still very flawed. People get hurt and injustices happen everyday, but when we hold on to the anger of injustice then it only makes us angry. It's like allowing someone to have free rent in our head and heart and that person is just squatting there and trashing the place. It's not fair to ourselves.

I've had quite a few bad people hurt me and justice was never served. But I forgave them because it's easier. It's easier to focus on the good things in life and it's more pleasant.

Sometimes when we want to create the perfect world full of love we need to lead the example. We are all connected and live in a collective consciousness. So when you forgive, you are carrying love around with you. Other people will pick up on that and they may decide to love too.

Beating up a guy who is already prone to violence, just begets more violence.

I actually told my daughter something like this today: What happens if two presidents of different countries issued a war against one another, but no one showed up?

It ends when everyone drops their arms.

I can see how Ravenest feels. But by allowing herself to feel angry over it is only hurting herself. That kind of anger just eats us up inside. It's not a good feeling.

My post only had good intentions and i'm sorry if they bother some people.

Your post doesn't bother me in the least!

The modern day court system put an end to the daily abuse my mother got - almost murdered 7 times, when he couldn't get to her, he got physical with my three yr old brother. Trouble is - turn the other cheek - that gets slapped too... Jesus era wasn't infallible either, I won't go further off topic...

I think Ravenest handled the reading & its aftermath as a professional would & can work through what needs to be worked through. Clients will often lie in one form or another for approval, or to "prove" something; often blindsiding those whose intentions are honest, all we can do is learn from these lessons. Besides, as much as clients lie - the cards won't, they have no agenda other than factual & relevant information - as the reading revealed...


He was sent to you on purpose. The purpose was maybe to help him and to help yourself? But it was no coincidence. This was meant to happen.


But you can't always know beforehand what a person is like. Many readers here have probably read for strangers without knowing that they may have done terrible things. Plus, society itself thrives when wrongdoers reform, and a Tarot reading may be an instrument of that.

I mean, sometimes things get heavier than "does he like me" kind of readings, sometimes it's the real deal, real life. You can't avoid or run away from moral dilemmas. If a serial killer were to ask me for a reading, would I acquiesce? Most definitely, provided the question was how to do better by himself and society.

I don't know if a wife beater can reform, I honestly don't. But it's always worth a try, and it is such a small thing for me to do a reading, but it may be life-changing for them.

yes. I often harmonise with your views (not always, as you know :) )

I think you get it; the reading is one thing, and I am fine with that . My reactions afterwards are another different thing and refer to what I found out and the first response to a little talk about it. :thumbsup:


Ravenest, whatever you said to the river of snot man might help him be a bigger man someday. I sure hope so!

Nothing gets put in our path for no reason - so maybe you affected a change.

I do love that you would go dingo on him if it were other circumstances! As a previously abused wife, I thank you! :love:


If the question is why you did read for him (of all people), maybe that's not clear right now, but answers will come as to why - and it might be that the benefit from answers will be yours. I think time will sort that out, and some self perspective.

:) ... so I go to town (during these postings) I go the back way through the rainforest. I go past the big nice house and amazing gardens where I used to be a gardener . I see yet again the japanese bamboo fence and driveway entrance I built years ago that is still surprising in good condition (I keep wanting to stop and check it , but it has been sold a few times since, and I dont want to snoop. But today someone is there in the garden, so I stop, introduce myself and ask to snoop. To cut it short. I have another client , somehow, someone who wants a lot of local advise, and not just her tarot and astrology ( fresh from the UK, giant neglected gardens to do, 2 dogs 2 horses and by herself ! ) .

Okay 'Universe' ... maybe I am NOT a 'retired reader' anymore ... at the moment ?
I am just going to go out on a limb here, and say - You read for him unconditionally - and you gave him the choice not to elaborate - but after the reading, in hindsight of his situation, you placed in Conditions. If you feel he abused the situation in some way by not telling you about the DV situation, I feel now you are bashing yourself up over this emotionally, and are now preparing to give him a serve as well after the fact. A constructive interaction turning into a destructive interaction? Possibly step back and away from this until you can clearly give yourself justifiable good reasons as to why this residual emotion is prompting you to turn on a client, when your intention was sound and grounded to begin with.

See my post above about the separation of issues. I consciously and deliberately offer people the choice to reveal personal matters or not. Here I expressed my FEELINGS , my feelings dont automatically turn to actions ( just as well :) ) . It hasnt turned destructive.

I have yet to decide if he will remain a client (on more ways than tarot, he needs a male mentor to be able to navigate through the path to proper manhood). I will need to take the steps above I mentioned first, including attending court, then I need to check his intentions with his actions, then I can decide if I can or want to help him.
If you saw Justice being served (or Karma) coming through in this reading then you know that he will have to face the repercussions of his actions. Take some solace in that and find healing or what ever you need (for yourself) from it.

Not in the reading... the repercussions however are enacted now and to come ... I mean, he is under a court order not to go to his own home ... where his baby is ... and the mother of his baby is :bugeyed:
As it stands your decision to not allow him to have any further association with you comes from a place of huge strength and personal power - especially when his offer of help is needed. That will hit him hard in itself. But for you, it may help you regain your sense of being able to be proactive for your self (as opposed to feeling you may have been a target).

Sorry if I was clear before, I haven't come to that final decision yet. I am just not hopeful anymore in these cases. Unfortunately, the past actions of others will weigh my judgment in assessing any help in recovery I can give him

And if you feel you did do a great job of the reading - hold onto that thought.

You didn't know about his situation, and the reading is now done - there must be a reason that it was you he had the reading done by, and that there was something within your reading for him (and for you) that he needed to hear. No other person could have delivered it the way you did.
Hold that thought too, maybe.
You may have turned the tide.


Yes, I can see something like that already , part of the reading was about his individuation and 'growing up' and the animus anima internal relationship being reflected in the external relationships. He told my friend he was going back to live with his mother pre-reading. Now he says he wants to stay here and keep associations with his family. <shrug>


PS - I am feeling a bit uncomfortable with my response method here. I just find it better and clearer to answer points as they appear. Sorry for breaking up posts and answering each part ... I mean no offense by that.

... and thanks everyone for your wise feedback, I know I haven't answered all of you, that doesn't mean I dont appreciate all of the responses. :thumbsup:

Holly doll

Ravenest, whatever you said to the river of snot man might help him be a bigger man someday. I sure hope so!

Nothing gets put in our path for no reason - so maybe you affected a change.

I do love that you would go dingo on him if it were other circumstances! As a previously abused wife, I thank you! :love:

Thanks Lotus, I couldn't have put it better!!!

Thanks Ravenest! :thumbsup:
"I'm not leaving 'til Ding goes!" ;)


Then there is the modern day court system...

Exactly! And considering the 'other issues' with the case (separate charges from the DV ), he could be in serious poo-poo. Then he can try sorting things out in a different 'men's workshop' - Grafton Jail . Even so, there may be men to help him there too, another foolish man I knew ended up in there, they put him in a 12 man work crew and living quarters with 11 other men - all aboriginals. I found out later as I know some of those guys . I asked them if they looked after him (not that he deserved it) and they laughed and said "Yeah ! ..... someone had to . "