Going Paperless - Tech Advice - Kindle Fire


I have a kindle :D am a convert (we dont' have the fire here in australia), Its so great! I don't miss the paper version of books at all. The only thing I have a problem with here in Australia is that the publishers are giving aussies one price( ridiculously high) where as in the US the book might be half that price ;/

!!!wow!!!! That is outrageous! Print books cost more to ship to Australia but now the publishers are taking advantage of the fact that people in Australia have gotten used to paying more for things.

I am also pissed off at how difficult some publishers (*cough* Penguin *cough*) have made it for people to borrow ebooks from the local library here in the states. There is really no way a regular person can in some way steal or "hack" the ebook and the library buys a contract for the book to go out a limited number of times (usually under 20) after it is borrowed that many times it gets zapped into oblivion. So the publishers actually could make more money than on a print book which could circulate 100s of times.

Some publishers will not let libraries make certain of their books available as ebooks at all and sometimes they make it so you can't download the borrowed ebook right onto your kindle it has to go on to a computer first, which means unless you lug your computer to the library you can't download the book.

Having a bunch of books available on a small device is absolute heaven. I love the idea of emailing tarot notes to my kindle... haven't tried that yet.