Carnelian losing color


My beautiful carnelian piece that I can wear as necklace is turning white on both sides of it, thow whole sides!
Ive been using it a lot and Ive used it sometimes when Ive felt really anxious lately as a way of grounding me and connecting with joy.

Can this happen when worn because of body heat? Or if it has hit something, but I dont think it has. And its also happening on 2 sides. Its not the side closest to the skin either.
Could it be something metaphysical going on with me overworking the poor thing?
Can I restore it again?


Are you absolutely certain it is carnelian? Some unethical sellers will pawn off dyed howlite or other stone as something else, such as turquoise or what have you. The dye can certainly wear off if handled a lot, or put near skin on a continual basis.

Is it possible for you to post a link to a pic of it?