Knights vs Kings


i am brand new to thoth but the first time i saw it i thought Wow! dynamic! energetic! sexy! visceral! overwhelming! power! (and thenbecause everyone told me to read RWS to start i put it back with an ok later........) to me though those attriubtes scream KNIGHT young, active, powerful etc not king still powerful but somehow matured, older, sitting back watching and taking things from a higher view

of cours eim sure this hasnt much to do with the Historical Reaosns for the change but it does reflect a lot rmoe than you might think on the peronsalities of the decks
well to me
at any rate



Princes are Kings...

"The Father is "Knight" because he is represented as riding on a horse."

It is important to note that in comparing associations between Toth-based decks and Rider-Waite based decks, The Thoth Princes have the same associations/meanings as the Rider Kings. In essence, on may think of the King/Prince as the consort to the Queen.



I always see Knights has the Kings in the Thoth.